Interference Effects in Performance of a Manual Task

Within the study of sociology, there are four different types of research methods. Briefly describe each in your own words, and generate an example of
July 31, 2020
Literary analysis
July 31, 2020

Interference Effects in Performance of a Manual Task

Interference Effects in Performance of a Manual Task
Paper details9 pages, exclude cover, abstract and references. Kindly refer to attached files for more details.
1. Cover Page
2. Abstract: 1 paragraph, 200-300 WORDS, please include keywords)
3. Introduction/Brief Background/Definitions: Hypothesis, Related literature to support (Lateralization, Language, Dual-Task Interference)
4. Method: Design (Operational Definition, in seconds), Participants (n=421, handedness), Materials Used, Procedures)
5. Analysis Used
6. Review relevant literature: Rationale of the current (Extraneous variables and limitations, area of testing)
7. Results: What your results meant. In further research
Descriptives to support inferential Group A scored higher (M= , SD= ) than B (M= , SD= ), F ()
Interpret Results
Discuss with reference to past studies, how does it support? significant? non significant (alternative explanation based on research. * Limitations and Implications Areas of future research Broca and Wernicke (1-2 paragraphs) * MCGOWAN AND OLDFIELD
8. Discussion
9. Implications
10. Conclusion