Topic: The comparison of Johnson’s and Nixon’s Vietnam War strategies
September 14, 2020
No one can reduce consciousness to brain processes.
September 14, 2020

intercultural communication

intercultural communication

Paper details:

5 page minimum.
The first purpose of this paper is for you to identify, compare, and contrast the communication behaviors that exist in your intercultural relationships with those in your same-culture relationships. The second purpose of this paper is for you to analyze a conflict situation from a communication perspective.

Submit your paper to the Relationship Analysis Paper dropbox by the due date listed in the syllabus.

Part I

Identify two existing relationships, one intercultural* and one that is of your own culture. The relationships can be either plutonic or romantic. *Keep in mind, this does not have to be ethnic differences—consider all types of culture
Describe the nature of each relationship (e.g., how long it has existed, how often you are in contact, extent of closeness).
Compare and contrast the communication that occurs within the relationships. Apply at least two specific communication concepts that we have covered in class. Identify and define the concepts; and give examples for each.
Part II

Discuss an event that has included conflict within either of the relationships (intercultural or same-culture). Describe the event in detail.
Explain the nature of the conflict, the conflict style you and the other individual used, and manner the conflict was resolved (i.e., win-lose, lose-lose, compromise, win-win). If the conflict was unresolved, explain why you and the other individual could not come to resolution.
Mechanics and Details

Papers should be well-articulated and free of grammatical errors. Papers should be a minimum of 5 typed pages (double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-pt font, 1-inch margins). Late papers will receive a 5-point deduction per day late (including weekends). Late papers are only accepted within one week past the due date. Papers should be typed, double space, and use APA style for citations, any footnotes, and title and reference pages.



Excellent (50 pts): both relationships are described in detail; nature of each relationship is clear; two specific communication concepts are discussed in detail; ample relevant examples are included; thorough description of similarities and differences in communication between both relationships; substantial connections between course content and examples
Adequate (43 pts): both relationships are described in general; nature of each relationship is briefly covered; two communication concepts are generally discussed; some relevant examples are included; general description of similarities and differences in communication between both relationships; general connections between course content and examples
Less than adequate (38 pts): description of one or both relationships is vague; nature of the relationships are unclear; two communication concepts are vaguely discussed; few relevant examples are included; vague description of similarities and differences in communication between both relationships; connections between course content and examples is unclear
Poor (30 pts): missing critical information about one or both relationships; lacks detailed description; nature of the relationship is missing; missing one or both communication concepts; missing or irrelevant examples; missing description of similarities and differences in communication between both relationships; missing connections between course content and examples

Excellent (30 pts): thorough description of situation; clear explanation of the nature of the conflict; conflict style of each individual is clearly discussed; significant examples of conflict resolution (i.e., win-lose, lose-lose, compromise, win-win)
Adequate (25 pts): general description of situation; broad explanation of the nature of the conflict; conflict style of each individual are discussed; general examples of conflict resolution (i.e., win-lose, lose-lose, compromise, win-win)
Less than adequate (22 pts): vague description of situation; underdeveloped explanation of the nature of the conflict; missing important information about conflict style of each individual; lacks significant examples of conflict resolution (i.e., win-lose, lose-lose, compromise, win-win)
Poor (18 pts): missing coherent description of situation; missing explanation of the nature of the conflict; missing discussion of one or both conflict styles of each individual; missing or irrelevant examples of conflict resolution (i.e., win-lose, lose-lose, compromise, win-win)

Paper follows APA style (5 pts)
Paper includes title page; and reference page, if applicable (5 pts)
Paper meets formatting requirements and has less than 5 grammatical errors (10 pts)