Intelligence Collection Techniques

professional associations membership
July 30, 2020
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July 30, 2020

Intelligence Collection Techniques

Intelligence Collection Techniques
Please address the following question in a 8-10 page essay, complete with bibliography and citations. Be sure to demonstrate your command of the content, reasoning and logic, and above all you need a single main point in your introduction that is then substantiated and defended in the body of your paper. Please make your paper as professional as possible, with citations, cover page, etc.
Background: Many analysts write strategic papers using just one of the many intelligence collection techniques, obviously the one the analyst is most familiar with, instead of integrating different techniques in the same paper. And since few policy makers realize this (since they are not experts) it passes as good analysis. But a far better strategic analysis paper would include all collection techniques- HUMINT, SIGINT, IMINT, GEONT, and OSINT.S imply why? And how does one do this? It is a rather simple question. Give your assessment on how to integrate the different techniques effectively.
What value does strategic intelligence provide to national policy and decision makers? Why is it necessary to cover all the five basic collection techniques as an integrated study, rather than separating them into their own stove-pipes for study?
Why is it necessary to cover all the five basic collection techniques as an integrated study, rather than separating them into their own stove-pipes for study?
The above question can be answered by both your intro and conclusion. For the thesis in your intro, its really easy to just rephrase the question as a statement and include your why in the form of a list.
In the intro, first give a background and/or summary of strategic analysis and failures to qualify the papers as either comprehensive (good) or not, then deliver the thesis including your proposed solutions.
In the body, for each of your types of intel gathering I would include one or two strengths and one or two weaknesses to each type, and at least one good way to integrate it effectively. For how to integrate, try to look at whether its a question of money, training, technology, clearance, political climate, etc. what is it that is stopping/would otherwise allow this type of gathering to be integrated much better? So in list form, each type of intel gathering should have:
1) 1-2 strengths as a gathering type
2) 1-2 weaknesses as a gathering type
3) 1 good way to integrate effectively and HOW (money? training? etc.)
Conclusion say what you said already.