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innovation management

Topic: innovation management
Order Description
This assignment requires you to write a research paper critiquing the level of innovation management in company (or industry) that you are interested in, currently work in, have worked in the past or would like to work in the future. Innovation matters –of course. Unless organizations change what they offer the world and the ways in which they create and deliver those offerings they risk falling behind in today’s turbulent and complex environment. Smart firms know this and they invest time and trouble to create systems, structures and processes to ensure a sustained flow of innovation. The overall aim is to critique how a firm manages innovation and to bring some fresh insights and perspectives. For the students it offers a way of integrating ideas and material form the course and exploring innovation management in a specific context. If you have access to someone in a company, you can consider emailing them and carrying out an ‘innovation audit’ to assess areas of strength and identify those where further development activity might improve innovation management. (Accessed: https://www.innovation-portal.info/toolkits/innovation-fitness-test/) You can then exploring innovation opportunities and provide recommendations for how innovation can be improved. You can also offer complementary perspectives such as the applicability of service innovation or commercialisation/new product development projects. You can also consider ‘benchmarking’ innovation strategies against comparable in and out of Industry players. https://www.innovation-portal.info/toolkits/benchmarking/ The report should be no more than 8 pages, 1.5 spaced including references. References should include at least 5 academic journal articles and adhere consistently to Harvard style referencing or a reference style from your discipline. A possible structure of the report may be as follows. Please note that you can deviate from this structure based on your industry and the issues that arise: ?? Table of Contents ?? Executive Summary ?? Introduction – Industry/ Company Background ?? Critique of Issues ?? Conclusion Note: the Critique of issues can be based on the topics covered in class, for instance- Does the organization manage innovation effectively? Do they have an innovation strategy or processes? What is the level of service innovation? Does the organization have sufficient relationships and networks? How do they manage IP? Resources: You should use references to journal papers to support your assignments. You have access to valuable library resources as a Flinders student. There are many online databases. I advise you to search FACTIVA. Also the journal, Research Technology Management, is highly recommended. The following resources may also be useful for you: Top Innovation Management Journals ?? Research Technology Management ?? Journal of Product Innovation Management ?? Research Policy ?? IEEE Transactions on Innovation Management ?? Journal of Engineering and Technology Management ?? Journal of High Technology Management ?? R&D Management Innovation in Australia ?? Australian Institute for Commercialisation www.ausicom.com ?? Australian Research Council www.arc.gov.au ?? Cooperative Research Centres www.crc.gov.au/ ?? DFEEST – https://www.dfeest.sa.gov.au/ ?? Department for Manufacturing, Innovation, Trade, Resources and Energy https://www.dmitre.sa.gov.au/ ?? Technology Industry Association for the ICT industry https://www.tia.asn.au ?? BioInnovationSA https://www.bioinnovationsa.com.au/ ?? DSTO publications https://dspace.dsto.defence.gov.au/dspace/handle/1947/3250 ?? Marine Innovation SA https://www.misa.net.au/ ?? National Health and Medical Research Council https://www.nhmrc.gov.au/ ?? South Australia Research and Development Institute https://www.sardi.sa.gov.au/ ?? CSIRO https://www.csiro.au/ Assessment of Global Innovation ?? World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report www.weforum.org/ ?? IBM’s Global Innovation Outlook ?? The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor https://gemconsortium.org Intellectual Property ?? IP Australia – https://www.ipaustralia.gov.au ?? The US Patent and Trademark Organisation (USPTO) – https://www.uspto.gov ?? The United Kingdom Patent Office – https://www.patent.gov.uk ?? Japan Patent Office – https://www.jpo.go.jp/ ?? Finland (national board of patents and registration)– https://patent.prh.fi/ ?? World Intellectual Property organization – https://www.wipo.int Researching Overseas Markets Country Information and Statistics ?? APEC Tariff – Tariff information for APEC member countries – www.apectariff.org ?? Asian Development Bank (ADB) – Features statistical profiles of ADB member countries – https://adb.org/statistics/default.asp ?? World Bank – offers free access to World Development Indicators (WDI) – https://www.worldbank.org/data/dataquery.html ?? United Nations – TRAINS database – https://www.unctad.org/trains/index.htm Market and Industry Information ?? Australian Trade and Commission (Austrade) – provides market and country information – www.austrade.gov.au ?? DTED – Department of Trade and Economic Development: https://www.southaustralia.biz/Publications.aspx ??????????????????????? ?? DFEEST – https://www.dfeest.sa.gov.au/ ?? FACTIVA – you have access online through the Flinders library. It contains excellent market research reports. ?? South Australia Policy Online: https://www.sapo.org.au/pub/pub13263.html ?? Australian Bureau of Statistics: www.abs.gov.au – contains information of social, economic, environmental and industry specific trends. ?? Deloitte: www.deloitte.com => industries ?? Business Week: www.business.week.com/innovation ?? AusIndusty: www.ausindustry.gov.au ?? Restaurant and Catering Industry: https://www.restaurantcater.asn.au/rc/content.aspx?id=11 ?? ANZ Economics and Market Research: https://www.anz.com.au/corporate/economics-markets- research/australian-industry-economics/industry-reports/ ?? Business.com – www.business.com ?? Corporate Information – www.corporateinformation.com ?? Datamonitor – www.datamonitor.com ?? Hoover’s Online- company and industrial database that included large US and European companies – www.hoovers.com ?? International statistical agencies on the internet – comprehensive list of official statistical agencies – https://www.census.gov/main/www/stat_int.html ?? JETRO – market information database – Japanese industry and products – https://www.jetro.go.jp/ec/e/market/index.html Return of Assignments and Feedback Use these REFERENCES or academic UES ENDNOT FOR REFERENCES you can write about any company such except Samsung. Maybe Microsoft if you want,