Innovation development process

IS-LM model
May 10, 2020
European Management Assignment Plan
May 10, 2020

Innovation development process

Order Description

You are asked to produce a report (max 1,500 words excluding references) capturing good practices in terms of innovation process.

First task €“ Research, select and describe a specific innovation, which could be product, process, position or paradigm innovation (dating back no further than year 2000) and the company or organisation that is responsible for it.

Second task €“ Based on your research explain the innovation process focusing on the quality of the output(s) and the management of the process:
? What is the big idea behind the development?
? Who were the main target audiences?
? What roles did design play in this innovation development?
? What were the main activities that the team went through?
? How did output (e.g. a new product/service, a new brand position or a new business idea) contribute towards an organisation’s mission, vision and/or objectives?
? How did the output outperform similar solutions produced by competitors? (Competitor analysis is strongly recommended)
? In the case of radical innovation, how did the output address latent needs and/or exploit unexplored markets?

Third task €“ Summarise key lesson learned from this case study. What are the good practices that this organisation has?

Choice of Innovation and Organisation
There are no restrictions as to which, or what kind of innovation should be selected (product/service innovation, social innovation, technological innovation, business model, etc.) nor what company, organisation or other institutions should be selected.
They may be large or small, commercial or not-for-profit, local or global, product-based or service-based.
Please be creative and try to avoid using the obvious, well-known and well-documented organisations such as Apple or IDEO.