Executive Summary
This report analyzes the firm, InforPower, as regards the hiring of employees. The firm has, over the past two years, experienced poor results due to poor skills exhibited by the employees. In their future hiring, the firm is torn between hiring experienced people and training fresh graduates to take up the jobs. The findings from the report reveal that the firm can benefit more by training fresh graduates.
Table of Contents
Title Page………………………………………………………………………………………….1
Executive Summary………………………………………………………………………………..2
Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………………..………3
Problem Statement…………………………………………………………………………………4
Overview of Alternatives………………………………………………………………………….5
Research Methods…………………………………………………………………………………6
InforPower Justification Report
InforPower is a research and reports writing company that carries out research, writingInforPower has been in operation for two years and has experienced major challenges in terms the skills of the employees, as many companies have suffered due to hiring under-qualified people (Williams, 2012). The organization employs new staffs every year to cater for new branches and fill gaps within the organization. This justification report analyzes the InforPower’s recruiting strategy by comparing two alternatives. In the first alternative, the firm hires experienced employees who have worked with similar research companies. The other option is to train fresh graduates and absorb them.
Problem Statement
A recent evaluation by the management of InforPower reveals that a good number of employees have demonstrated poor report writing skills, and they are never motivated to improve. The evaluation has also revealed that some employees have shown excellent report writing skills though such employees make a small percentage of the staffs in the firm. The issue of poor skills is derailing the competitive strategy of InforPower since many other research companies have come up, and the sector has turned out to be very competitive. Iskander (2008) observes that, without competitive employees, the company may fall very fast due to poor quality and complaints from clients.
Overview of Alternatives:
As stated earlier, inforPower can either employ already experienced employees or train fresh graduates to take up the task.
Alternative A: Employing experienced staffs-The company’s seventy-five percent of the staff has been employed by this means. There are many people out there claiming to be experienced in this area, and getting them for interviews has not been a hustle.
Alternative B: Training fresh graduates-The company has not explored this option entirely, but the few staffs who were trained thoroughly and employed have been providing excellent services.
The following criteria will be used to judge the feasibility of each alternative:
Research Methods
The research methods utilized in this justification report included drawing conclusions from the firm’s management reports, and as reported on the firm’s website. A search on the internet was very crucial in determining the best alternatives using the criterion applied.
Evaluation of Alternatives:
As per the criteria applied, both alternatives have their positive and negative sides. For example, in terms of cost, alternative A is more favoured since it is less costly. However, the alternative is costly in the long term so it may not be the best. Durabilityfavours alternative B while efficiency has been found to favour alternative A. It can be seen from the criteria that alternative B will require more time than alternative A.
A number of conclusions can be drawn from the evaluation of alternatives. For the purposes of the ease of presentability, the table below outlines the results of the evaluation.
Cost | Cheaper | More expensive |
Desirability | Less desirable | More suitable for the organization |
Durability | Less durable | Considered more durable |
Efficiency | Less efficient | Tailored for better efficiency |
Time Factor | Requires less time | Requires more time |
As outlined in the table, there are both advantages and drawbacks of both alternatives. A comprehensive analysis of the alternative, coupled with a concrete analysis of results will help determine the best method. For example, alternative A looks less costly in the short run, yet it has been very costly for the organization, in the long run (Schuler, Jackson &Luo, 2004).
Considering the findings from the criterion analysis, it is recommended that InforPower adopt alternative B entirely in their future hiring. Even though, the alternative requires more resources in terms of money and time, it will pay back more efficiently, in the long run.
Iskander, M. (2008).Innovative techniques in instructional technology, E-learning, E-assessment, and education. New York, NY: Springer Science & Business Media.
Schuler, S.R., Jackson, E.S., &Luo, Y. (2004).Managing human resources in cross-border alliances. London. Psychology Press.
Williams, D.K. (2012 June 13). The case for hiring under-qualified employees.Forbes. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/davidkwilliams/2012/06/13/