Information and Physical Security Assessment of a United States

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Information and Physical Security Assessment of a United States

Information and Physical Security Assessment of a United States

Note concerning Power point slides:

PowerPoint presentation must be consistent with a 20 to 30 minute oral presentation. This presentation should be an overview of the research paper.

Power Point presentation slides, be sure to review to ensure that you are providing slides consisting only of ‘points’ rather than a series of slides that are a ‘rewrite’ of your paper. Simple is best. You are to assume that your audience has a copy of your paper. The slides should not detract from your presentation, nor should you provide slides from which you would read.

As soon as writer is assigned, I will email all the work that I have already completed via word attachment, so that the writer can work off of what I have already started and stay in line with it. The first requirement is the power point presentation and then one week later a 30 page research paper that I will add to my order.

Info about the upcoming research paper (30 pages):

Approach Two-”Conventional Research Paper”
The approach is best defined as a “Conventional Research Paper.” The outcome of this approach is for the student to research and create a paper based on a topic that would assist someone in the security field on making a major decision regarding a real life security situation or problem. This would typically be research information that is needed by the student or officials at an institution or organization. The requirements of the research paper are:
? Creation of a premise statement, problem statements, and definitions of terms used in the premise statement.
? Written approval of the premise statement, problem statements, and definitions from the Instructor.
? Written approval from IRB for any surveys or questionnaires for Primary Research.
? Written approval from an official representing the institution or organization with which the research deals and from which primary research will be obtained
? Comprehensive enough to be a minimum of 30 pages in length, excluding cover pages, divider pages, or any pre-published information that would warrant being included in the paper.
? Areas expected to be included in the Conventional Research Paper are:
? Abstract
? Situation Analysis
? Premise with Problem Statements and Definitions
? Applied Research Methodology with participants, apparatus and procedures being covered.
? Primary Research.
? Secondary Research
? Literature Review and Findings.
? Conclusions
? Premise Assessment
? Recommendations for Future Studies
? Recommendations for the Institution or Organization being studied
? References
? Appendices as appropriate

Project must include both Primary and Secondary Research. Primary Research should include either 100% of the population being surveyed or at least 30 surveys if a random sampling is done. Secondary Research is to follow the current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
Upon completion of the Conventional Research Paper, the student is expected to create a Power Point presentation, articulating the need and purpose for the project, the methodology used, results of the project, and finally, recommendations that can be made from the Paper.
Conventional Research Paper Format
This document outlines the general format for Conventional Research Papers for SECR 6000. While strict adherence to this format is not required, the reason for any deviation should be readily apparent to the reader. Deviations are to be approved by the SECR 6000 instructor.
The abstract is the first section of the report. It is written to summarize the purposes, findings, and recommendations included in the report.
General considerations. The abstract should be written in the past tense; informative, not descriptive; not more than 250 words; and turned in to the instructor by the eighth class session. The first line of the abstract begins at the far left margin. Do not indent. The abstract is one single paragraph. It should be written in the following order:
1. Nature of the problem is stated.
2. Premise of the study is stated.
3. Procedures are summarized.
4. Results are summarized.
5. Conclusions are summarized.
6. Recommendations are summarized.

Situation Analysis
Describe the situation your research will explore. It should begin with a broad general description of the industry, organization involved, culture, the environment, or other issues to be explored. The middle section of the analysis should narrow to the specific subject you wish to explore. The final section of the analysis should focus on why the specific details of your topic should be researched.
General considerations. The situation analysis should be written in the present tense and should be completed by the second week of class.
Present a positive paragraph on what you propose to substantiate by the completion of research. It should be a natural outflow of the justification provided in the situation analysis for your research.
General considerations. The Premise should be written in the future tense and should be completed by the second week of class. This must be approved before any Primary Research starts.
Problem Statements/Hypotheses
There should be between four and twelve problem statements or hypotheses. Contained in them should be at least one that is primarily addressed by secondary research and one addressed by primary research. Research students should gain knowledge and skills in how to find and use related information from studies that apply to the premise. The hypothesis testing or primary research should give the research student experience and understanding as to the facts that are measurable and will produce results from which conclusions can be reached.
General considerations. These should be approved by the instructor and completed by the second week of class. Remember, the more problem statements, the longer the paper.
Terms in the integrated studies paper that are specific to the content must be defined. This includes all technical terms, legal terms, descriptive subject terms, and any other terms that your instructor for the course would need to be familiar with. (Example: Human relations training will improve productivity. The definitions in this statement should explain what is meant by productivity, improved, and human relations training.)
General considerations. Definitions should be turned in with the premise statement.
Study Limitations
Because the student realistically can deal with only limited variables, there should be statements of other variables not entertained in the study, which could distort results or findings. (Example: The impact of unexpected massive layoffs.)
General considerations. Study limitations should be written in the past tense, and should be completed by the second week of class.
Applied Research Methodology
This section tells what research methodology was used in the conduct of the study and reflects both Primary and Secondary Research. This description should allow officials of the organization under study and instructor to evaluate the appropriateness of the method and the reliability and validity of results. This section should be detailed enough to allow an experienced researcher to replicate the study. This section often has three subsections labeled participants, apparatus, and procedure. Specific details concerning these subsections can be found in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th edition (or later).
General considerations. The Applied Research Methodology section should be written in the past tense and should be completed by the third week of class.
Literature Review and Findings
In this section the student logically presents all actions and considerations of the study. This section would usually begin with a transitional phrase from the final statement in the situational analysis section. Consideration of other studies and findings should be reflected in this section. Significant findings from the literature review should be logically reflected in this section. When reflecting on this material the student should do so in the historic present tense. It is essential that all findings in the study be accurately reported in this section. It should be stated in enough depth and detail that another researcher can review the findings and draw their own conclusions. Presentation of data summary information and statistical outcomes should be reported in this section. Raw tables in general should be presented in the appendices.
General considerations. The literature review and findings should be from 20 to 30 pages in length, reflected in the past tense, and turned in to the instructor by the eighth class session.
The logical conclusions of the study should be reflected in this section.
General considerations. The conclusions section is reported in the past tense, and should be completed by the eighth week of class.
Premise Assessment
The information reflected in the Conclusions section is compared to the Premise and described in this section. Students should understand that good research may disprove the original Premise and not be discouraged if this happens.
General considerations. The Premise Assessment should be written in the past tense and should be completed by the eighth week of class.
Recommendations for Future Studies
As students complete their research they usually identify other areas or considerations for study. These are to be reflected in this section.
General considerations. This section should be reflected in future tense and should be completed by the eighth week of class.
Recommendations for the Unit Studied
This section is the appropriate place to present implementation of findings. Here the research student has the opportunity to explain how improvement in the current organization can be implemented and what positive outcomes should be realized.
General Considerations. This section is reflected in the future tense and should be completed by the eighth week of class.
References should be complete and reflected as outlined in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th edition (or later). Sources listed in the references should be only those used for documentation of sources in the content of the research paper

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