Breast Cancer Risk Academic Essay
September 27, 2020
Explain and Define “Uniform Crime Reports.” How data is collected and how that data is used to assemble the report.
September 27, 2020

independent variable

independent variable

Paper instructions:

For definitions, you must try to put the definition in your own words—NO copying directly from the book or any other source.

No quotes may be used.

When I ask for an example, you must make up your own example—NO examples may be used from the book or any other source.

1. “A director of residential living on a large university campus is concerned about the large turnover rate in resident assistants. In recent years many resident assistants have left their

positions before completing even 1 year in their assignments. The director wants to identify the factors that predict commitment as a resident assistant (defined as continuing in the position a

minimum of 2 years). The director decides to assess knowledge of the position, attitude toward residential policies, and ability to handle conflicts as predictors for commitment to the

position.” (LaFountain & Bartos, 2002, p. 8)

a. What is (are) the independent variable(s)?

b. What is the dependent variable?

c. Write ONE possible hypothesis for this study.

2.  Define (in your own words) the philosophy behind and the process of the scientific method.  How does the scientific method make the process of understanding our world better (in other

words, what do we gain by requiring scientists to use the scientific method)?
3.  Discuss which specific ethical principles were violated in the Humphreys study of homosexuality and in the Milgram study of obedience (these are in your book). How could each have

changed their study to address these ethical principles? [Hint: You won’t receive credit unless specifc ethical principles are named and used.]

4.  Define deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning (in your own words).  Describe a specific research issue that is appropriate for each one and explain why.