Journal entry 2: Inclusive collaborative research
Focus on your group’s action research survey research project. Think about how the group came together and organized itself. Consider how the group members organized the work, how each member contributed or didn’t
contribute to the overall result, whether each member was encouraged to contribute ideas and whether those ideas were considered and valued or dismissed. Identify the differences that made a difference among the group
members and discuss how you responded to those differences (inclusive, dismissive, irritated, encouraging, etc) and why. Look at your own values, biases, and assumptions and communication style that you exhibited during the
project. Consider how well you encouraged the integration of others’ perspectives and ideas and upheld the principles of action research. Assess how well the group was able to complete the survey research project. Discuss
what you could have done differently to be a more effective member of the action research group and what you should continue to do that worked for you and the group. Be specific in describing the situation and you actions.
Length: 3 pages.