• Include SQL statements that use data definition language (DDL) commands to create the database schema specified in the ER diagram created in Week 3. o Include indexes, constraints, and relationships.
• Include SQL statements that use data manipulation language (DML) to do the following: o INSERT 15 records into each table. o UPDATE 5 sets of records in each table using one specific criteria per update statement (e.g., EXACT MATCH, LIKE, BETWEEN, IN, or HAVING). o DELETE 2 records from 1 table based on specific criteria (e.g., EXACT MATCH or LIKE). •
Create stored procedures to support retrieval of the data from the database, using SELECT statements to accomplish the following: o Aggregate (group) functions (count, avg, min, max, sum) Write 4 queries using group functions. o Group By Write 2 queries using the Group By, Having, and Order By syntax. o Simple queries Write 4 queries that manipulate data in 1 table. o Join queries Write 4 queries that join 2 or more tables. • Add this section to the SQL Statements section of your database system plan. • Name the document as follows: o yourname_IT600__IP4.doc • All sources should be cited both in-text and in the References section by using APA format.