In Davis v. Mississippi and in Hayes v. Florida the Supreme Court held that the police violated the Fourth Amendment rights of persons who were detain

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In Davis v. Mississippi and in Hayes v. Florida the Supreme Court held that the police violated the Fourth Amendment rights of persons who were detain

1. In Davis v. Mississippi and in Hayes v. Florida the Supreme Court held that the police violated the Fourth Amendment rights of persons who were detained in order to obtain ________________
2. The term _______________ describes the process of administrative steps that occur in the police station after a person has been arrested.
3. A police officer may, as a general rule, arrest a person for a misdemeanor when the crime occurs ______________________________.

4. A search of an arrested person made contemporaneously with the arrest is a search _____________ to arrest.
5. The ___________ ______________ rule authorizes a police officer who arrested a person in a premises to look into other rooms without a warrant to see if another person is present.
6. The ___________ ______________ rule allows police to thoroughly search a person who is to be placed in a police lockup or jail.
7. The rule that a Terry stop must be concluded very quickly is known as the ________________ requirement.
8. The Minneapolis experiment in 1984 and the replication experiments were designed to determine if arrest had a/an ______________ _______________ on domestic violence.
9. The Supreme Court has upheld the warrantless and mildly forcible taking of _________________ evidence of serious crimes that might disappear if the police had to wait to obtain a search warrant.
10. When police are in ____________ ____________ of a suspect whom they are closely chasing, they may enter a house without a warrant if they have probable cause to believe the suspect has committed a serious crime.

11. The search of the footlocker in US v Chadwick had to be done under a search warrant because the footlocker is a/an ____________ under the Fourth Amendment.
12. The Supreme Court has ruled that for an inventory search of an impounded automobile to be constitutional it must be conducted under ________________ rules.
13. Every nation has the _____________ power to control its borders and determine who or what shall come into or exit the country, to collect customs and to control smuggling.
14. A search warrant or even individualized suspicion can be dispensed with in searches conducted by government officers who are not law enforcement officers under the ______________ __________ doctrine.
15. The unjustified and excessive stopping of minority drivers is a police practice known as _______________ _________________.