Improving Team Communication

Improving Team Communication

Improving Team Communication

10 Pages; 15 References

Identify a research topic in communication or on current issues related to communication, or from the suggested list of topics distributed in class. In your research, you are expected to demonstrate originality, creativity, and knowledge of related literature in the subject matter or topic area of your choice. Furthermore, you should show the intellectual significance of your overall research effort.
You are reminded to acknowledge sources used and to cite properly in your papers. Citations should conform to the APA style manual. Plagiarism in research papers and other written assignments must be avoided, because such assignments/papers will not be graded or will receive a failing grade. For the benefit of students who may not know, plagiarism is taking and using another person’s ideas or writings as one’s own, without giving proper credit or acknowledgment. You are, therefore, encouraged to carefully to identify sources utilized in your paper. Good sources and appropriate citations enhance a researcher’s credibility. Finally, as you begin working on your research topic for this class, it is important to note the ethics of

research, especially about the following: honoring property rights, seeking permission to publish material on your web site, honoring and crediting sources in online classrooms, sharing credit and honoring it in collaborative projects, avoiding plagiarism, using sources to place your work in its proper context, and using sources to enhance your credibility.

The APA (American Psychological Association) writing format is recommended for this research paper. You are advised to review or obtain a copy of the APA style manual from the library (LRC) as soon as possible.

Suggested Research Sequence (Steps)

Identify a Research Topic _____________________


Problem Statements (thesis statements)

Statement of Objectives (purpose of research)

Literature Review




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