Importance of online advertising persuasive essay

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Importance of online advertising persuasive essay

Importance of online advertising persuasive essay

Appealing to a global market; this is the essence of online advertising. It is projected that by 2020 over 22 billion gadgets will be connected to the internet. The implication of this statistic, considering that world population is currently at 7 billion, is that most of the world will have access to the internet. The imporance of online advertising can therefore not be over emphasized. In order to ensure market dominance, it is inevitable that any business should have an online presence. Online advertising is the most effective way of gaining access to specific target markets.
‘€¦..Online Advertising can provide significant benefits to an organization by providing a reach, range and scale that before the internet was not possible. The convergence of technology has also driven an increase in the number of devices organizations can leverage to reach their target market. In this article we discuss why online advertising is important in today’s market? And what benefits one can derive from online advertising?
Firstly, in today’s market if you’re not doing it, your competitor probably is! The online channel has now become for some organizations their primary one to market, for these any availability issues would have a significant impact on their businesses. As a result, online advertising has become central to their marketing strategy providing them with a traceable, targeted, cost effective strategy that reaches a select or broad ranging market€¦”(PPC Advertising 2010)

Advertising is important for bringing in sales and growth for any company. There is a need for a system devised for this fast growth and this is provided by the efficient online advertising. With the advancement in technology marketing concepts changes rapidly. Marketers have
started to give more importance to online marketing due to its wider view and fast results. Customers have become more powerful and can access all the necessary information easily about companies’ products and check their credibility easily.
Business operates for the sole purpose of making profit. To achieve this, it is crucial to increase the number of sales. This can be achieved through advertising. Advertising is important because it facilitates an increase in sales, and for the growth of the company. Therefore, there is a need to implement an efficient advertising platform for the company to. Online advertising provides such an efficient platform. The advancement in technology has facilitated rapid changes in marketing concepts. The benefits accrued from online advertising are incredible and marketers are now changing their advertising strategy to include online marketing. With online advertising, a company is availed to a wider market and can access distant potential customers. Clients have become more powerful and they have easy access to information on a company’s products.
The advancement of internet has brought with it a myriad of benefits. on the business side, it has transformed the way we transact businesses. it allows companies to offer unlimited range of products and services to all consumers from around the world at any point in time (Lim, Yap & Lau, 2011).
‘€¦..Online Advertising can provide significant benefits to an organization by providing a reach, range and scale that before the internet was not possible. The convergence of technology has also driven an increase in the number of devices organizations can leverage to reach their target market. In this article we discuss why online advertising is important in today’s market? And
what benefits one can derive from online advertising?
Firstly, in today’s market if you’re not doing it, your competitor probably is! The online channel has now become for some organizations their primary one to market, for these any availability issues would have a significant impact on their businesses. As a result, online advertising has become central to their marketing strategy providing them with a traceable, targeted, cost effective strategy that reaches a select or broad ranging market€¦”(PPC Advertising 2010)