Impacts of statistics in my daily life

Business Ethics: Critical Thinking
October 21, 2020
Celebrovascular accident
October 21, 2020

Impacts of statistics in my daily life

Statistics has been of great importance in my daily life,being an agricultural researcher. I have often relied on data and statistical studies to help me make wise decisions. As Utts (2005) puts it,statistics is a collection of procedures and principles for gaining and analyzing information to help people make informed decisions. In my daily research work, I collect samples of the required research; analyze them to give the results that determine the next step to be taken. I can therefore not over look the great influence that statistics have had in my life.

A good sample is needed when conducting any research (Utts, 2005). I carry out many researches and one of them being determination of the fitness of a certain soil type to growth of a particular crop,based on the client’s request. To reduce bias (Le Blanc,2004) when sampling the soil in a farm, I do randomization so that no part of the farm is left out. This helps in being more precise in my work,thereby gaining trust from my clients. According to Le Blanc (2005), sampling study designs include random sampling, randomized systematic sampling, and stratified sampling, from which a researcher is supposed to choose when carrying out any study. In most cases I use random sampling since I find it more accurate. I then take the samples to the laboratory where I am supposed to carry out scientific experiments in analyzing the component of the soil like water content,mineral composition and biological organisms. I am then expected to do summary statistics which Le Blanc (2005) cites as numerical values that describes the characteristics of data distribution and include the mode, mean, and median of the sample.

After presenting the data, I am supposed to analyze it. Exploratory data analysis includes using graphs and statistics to understand data (Le Blanc, 2005). For the sake of my clients, I have to analyze the obtained results carefully to help them understand their farm, and give advice whether to grow the suggested crop or not. Proper analyzing of the results is determined by lack of errors when collecting the samples. Applying inefficient statistics increases the probability of committing Type 1 and Type 2 errors (Bridge & Sawilowsky, 1999). Therefore, I try as much as possible to be accurate by ensuring that the sample size is not too large to be out of control.

I use statistics when required to observe certain abnormalities in crops which might be caused by pests and diseases, harsh weather or imbalance in the soil nutrients. In this case I choose the sample size to use, and make a hypothesis about the problem in question. According to Schutz, Drogosz, White and Distefano (1998), a null hypothesis is preferred to proof after the analysis. This implies that statistics has been of much help to me since I have to us hypothesis in every research that I conduct.

I conclusion, statistics have been of much help in my daily life, especially in development of my career. It has enabled me carry out research in the field of agriculture and other areas, which has helped many individuals and organizations. It is therefore important that everyone embraces and appreciates the use of statistics in their daily lives, as I have done.


Jesica Utts (2005). Seeing through statistics. New York, N.Y: Thomson Brooks /Cole.

David C. Le Blanc (2005). Statistics: Concepts and applications for science, vol. 2. New York, N.Y: Dover Publications, Inc.

Paul A. Schutz, Lisam. Drogosz, Vicki E. White, Chris Distefano (1998). Prior knowledge, attitude and strategy use in introduction to statistics course.

Patrick D. Bridge & Shlomo S. Sawilowsk (1999). Increasing physicians’ awareness of the impact of statistics on research outcomes: Comparative power of the t-test and Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test in small samples applies research. Vol. 52, Issue 3.