The topic is about the impact of unpredictable changes in demand in existing forecasts of materials in oil and gas company.
Spreadsheet generated should be generated by both Microsoft excel and SPSS (or other better alternative).
A- Produce Two different forecast models (including data forecast and equation used) based on
1-Exponential Smoothing method
2-Exponential smoothing with trend method
B- Statistical analysis with the forecasted numbers generated along with the original demand numbers
Attached are the two different material requirements named CSG and TBG for reference in the above mentioned points.
The project is adjustable and the submission time is in 2 weeks, these are not the final requirements any modifications may occur during these 2 weeks and it will be told to the bidder with time, always available for chat to discuss more about the project.
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Posted on May 28, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions