Impact of Professional Selling on Memory Plus

Taking a Stand
September 12, 2020
Clinical transformation
September 12, 2020

Impact of Professional Selling on Memory Plus

Memory Plus is the latest drink from Monster Energy that is mooted to help older citizens to improve their ability to retain information in the brain. Since the product is new on the market, it needs an impeccable marketing strategy that is capable of making it a famous brand among its competitors. This implies that the business should design a strategy that will enable it to present an impeccable product to the public. As much as this looks easy, the marketing of this product will be hard because of the nature of the clientele. Old people are not easily convinced of new products implying that the marketing plan should be based on the nature of the clients.

Impact of Professional Selling on Memory Plus

The first element of designing a marketing plan according to principles of professional selling is making sure that the product to be sold has passed all the quality tests required. Since this product is classified as a drink, the FDA is responsible for the regulation of its usage. This implies that the FDA should test the product for safety before the marketing plan is initiated. This will guarantee that the marketing and eventual sale of the product do not face challenges that could result in losses for Monster Energy.

The second objective of professional selling is letting the consumer understand the product and comprehend the benefits that can be accrued from its usage. The benefits of Memory Plus will be documented in its marketing as the first thing because it would be important for the clients to know its usefulness. According to professional selling, this aspect builds confidence in the product mainly because it offers solutions to memory loss due to old age.

Once the target audience has realized that Memory Plus drink provides a solution for memory loss, the next strategy is to create lasting interest in the product. This is because the success of the product depends on continued sales. The clients need to understand that the product does not act as medication but as an enhancement meant to improve their memory.

Another element that arises from the utilization of professional selling principles is the comprehension of the target consumers’ behavior. Although it is hard to assess the purchasing behavior of every consumer, the plan should have knowledge of the range of consumer behavior within the target segment. This will result in creation of an advertisement strategy that will wow every target consumer. The elements of the marketing will also be appropriate for the clientele.

In summary, professional selling enhances the planning process by highlighting the most important elements of a successful marketing plan. The initials stages of every marketing plan ensure that the plan is successful. For Memory Plus, professional selling improves the marketing plan mainly because the product targets the older generation. Additionally, professional selling ensures that the plan is methodological ensuring the success of the plan.

Marketing Plan Budget

The cost of marketing is set to increase as the company plans to widen its consumer base by venturing into new markets