Imagine you have engineered a set of genes

Two hybrid system to detect interactions between proteins
April 13, 2020
Value of the transmembrane voltage
April 13, 2020

Imagine you have engineered a set of genes

Imagine you have engineered a set of genes, each encoding a protein with a pair of conflicting signal sequences that specify different compartments. If the genes were expressed in a cell, predict which signal would win out for the following combinations. Explain your reasoning.

(a) Signals for import into the nucleus and import into the ER
(b) Signals for import into peroxisomes and import into the ER
(c) Signals for import into mitochondria and retention in ER(ie, the KDEL signal for retrieval from Golgi to ER). (In this case, you are to assume that we have specially engineered the protein to have a KDEL sequence, and a mitochondrial import sequence, but no amino-terminal signal sequence.)