Imagine that you are the administrator for a small accounting company, which currently employees 200 people. The CEO announces a merger that would dou

July 1, 2020
Increasing the import duties
July 1, 2020

Imagine that you are the administrator for a small accounting company, which currently employees 200 people. The CEO announces a merger that would dou

  • 200 host machines running Windows 8 with 10/100 auto sensing NIC
  • 9 Cisco Catalyst 2960 Switches (100 Mb)
  • 1 Cisco Catalyst 2960 Switch as the Core Switch
  • 1 Cisco 2651XM Router with T1 module for Internet/WAN
  • Category 5 Ethernet cabling
  • Class C network address (supporting 254 addresses)


Write a two to three (2-3) page proposal in which you:


  1. Recommend one (1) strategy to upgrade the company’s current infrastructure to support the new / additional employees.
  2. Recommend one (1) strategy to create a high-performance network.
  3. Recommend one (1) new network address that will allow you to scale your network in the event of additional mergers which (assume double the number of users again).
  4. Design the new addressing scheme for the network through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Visio or an open source alternative such as Dia. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.