Imagine that you are a member of the Ashland Town Council and you must vote whether or not Wal-Mart should be permitted to build a store within city l

Human Diversity.
October 21, 2020
Structure for Conglomerates
October 22, 2020

Imagine that you are a member of the Ashland Town Council and you must vote whether or not Wal-Mart should be permitted to build a store within city l

Imagine that you are a member of the Ashland Town Council and you must vote whether or not Wal-Mart should be permitted to build a store within city limits. In roughly two pages, discuss the costs and benefits of the Wal-Mart proposal for the citizens of Ashland.  Consider economic, political and environmental costs and benefits. Use specific examples from resources including the film, Store Wars,” as well as those listed below.  You are free to organize the cost-benefit analysis any way you choose. (chart, essay, etc.)
This cis due Thursday, February 13th and must be submitted via Blackboard.  No email assignments will be accepted. Late assignments will receive half credit.

Store Wars Homework Resources
Background Information on Ashland and Wal-Mart
Ashland Town home page
Wal-Mart home page
Web sites Against Wal-Mart
Sprawl-Busters home page

Reclaim Democracy


Benefits of Wal-Mart in a Community