Identifying Market Segments and Targets, Week 3 BLSC (C) Case Marketing Report, marketing homework help

Consumer Prices Index
March 27, 2020
Case Studies
March 27, 2020

Identifying Market Segments and Targets, Week 3 BLSC (C) Case Marketing Report, marketing homework help


  • Chapter 6: Identifying Market Segments and Targets
  • Chapter 7: Crafting the Brand Positioning
  • Chapter 8: Creating Brand Equity and Driving Growth


If you have not already done so, read the BLSC (C) case.


As you read the case, do the following tasks:

  1. Develop a marketing strategy for Safe Appliance to address the potential entry of Walmart to the Appliance Insurance Market.
  2. Using the Brightland population and income statistics provided in Case A, develop a segmentation and target marketing strategy for MM.

In addressing these items you should consider the lessons from Chapters 6-8. We will be using these in future discussions.


All written submissions should conform to the following format:

  • Written explanation limited to one page, single-spaced.
  • Typed, Times New Roman 12 point font, 1-inch margin on all four sides.
  • Page numbers at the bottom of the page.
  • Cover page with student name and class number on each page.
  • No spellings or grammatical errors.
  • Reference material properly cited.
  • No late submissions accepted.


  • You will be graded not on the quantity of your work but the quality.
  • You will be marked down if your work is not relevantto the question being discussed. Sometimes it might be appropriate torefer back to a statement made earlier, which is fine as long as you arenot unduly rehashing a point that has already been made.
  • Remember, we have all read the case/article, soexcessively reciting facts that are given in the case will reflectnegatively on your grade.
  • Looking at the problem from a strategic point of view will positively reflect on your grade.
  • If you believe a diagram you created will help your discussion, feel free to include it in your post.
  • Although you do not need to respond to everyquestion, responding to only one question is not sufficient for earninghigh marks. You must show that you understand the entire problem at handthrough your well-thought-out answers.
  • Your work should reflect the cumulative knowledge you have gained from previous chapters.