Identify organisational functioning issues that are resulting in lower productivity than desired or customer satisfaction results lower than desired

What is the null hypothesis
July 3, 2020
Module Learning Outcomes to be Assessed:-
July 3, 2020

Identify organisational functioning issues that are resulting in lower productivity than desired or customer satisfaction results lower than desired

Assessment description

You are a manager of a workplace with the strategic goal of either increasing productivity or customer service measures by 10% within 12 months.

As the manager, you are required to coordinate a team to:


identify organisational functioning issues that are resulting in lower productivity than desired or customer satisfaction results lower than desired


analyse the problems:


use continuous improvement techniques to analyse the continuous improvement system in the workplace


develop continuous improvement strategies to address the performance issues and these strategies may include, but are not limited to, improving:


performance measurement and management


job roles and clarity of expectations


rewards and recognition


communication systems ensuring team members are informed of continuous improvement efforts


training and development


 effective mentoring and buddy systems


develop an action/implementation plan to implement the strategy


develop an action/implementation plan to implement a monitoring process


implement the monitoring process


write a report with recommendations and an action plan to improve performance and further monitoring to identify further opportunities for improvement.


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Define the scope

Identify a work area and a performance issue (productivity or customer service) for the project.
Note: you may be assigned a work area depending on your job role.


Identify qualitative issues

Complete discussions with managers, supervisors and frontline staff in the work area to identify qualitatively what the major issues that limit performance or impact on customer service are and gather quantitative data about the business plan/strategic goals of the workplace.


Develop the operation/improvement plan

Create an operational plan for the work area (using the template provided). Use the operational plan as the basis of defining the outcomes required from implementing the strategy.
Note: be sure to incorporate processes that adhere to relevant sustainability requirements.


Develop Project Outline

Create a project outline (template provided) and submit to your supervisor/assessor for approval.


Organise your team

Specifically you will need to organise:


Team members (who in the organisation will assist in the quantitative analysis and provide knowledge of the work area and help in formulating/prioritising possible solutions?)


Stakeholders (who will be affected?)


Sponsor (who can approve/support your project?).


Organise the monitoring process

Specifically you will need to organise:


who is going to measure what

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when measurements will be taken, and for how long


how measurements will be taken and reported


where measurements are to be stored and for how long


how team members will be informed of outcomes of continuous improvement efforts


training/coaching for people who will undertake the measurements (ensure you use a range of methods to cater for different learning styles).


Meeting 1

Organise a meeting with team members and explain the project parameters. Inform members of the results of your qualitative analysis. Seek feedback and generate ideas for possible actions and further monitoring. Record the minutes in the template provided.


Identify performance management/training/role clarity/planning/
communication/reward/recognition problems by brainstorming with the team members.


Document the problems using the problem definition statement template. Identify methods of measuring and quantifying those issues with the team. Methods may include but are not limited to:




process maps


customer service surveys


employee surveys.


Collect the data to quantify the problem

How big is the problem? Record initial state using data, diagrams, photos, KPIs. In some cases, incident reports, audit reports, customer and employee surveys may provide details of the initial state.