Identify key trends and developments that affect and influence contemporary communication

Prepare a chart that you have divided into five age groups: childhood (5-12 years old), adolescence (13-19 years old), young adults (20-34 years old),
June 29, 2020
June 29, 2020

Identify key trends and developments that affect and influence contemporary communication

Order DescriptionAssessment task 3: Research Paper (individual)
a. Identify key trends and developments that affect and influence contemporary communication
b. Apply specific disciplinary skills within various communication contexts
Weight: 30%Task: Identify at least one organization or individual that has creatively negotiated the opportunities and challenges that communication industries face in the 21st century. Write a 2000-word essay based on the following:
How has this individual or organization demonstrated a creative response to the opportunities and challenges that characterize the communications landscape in the 21st century?
You may choose any of the following: a website; a news source; filmmakers or actors; musicians; marketing personnel (or examples) from PR or advertising; journalists; advocacy, political or NGO groups; writers.Criteria linkages:
Quality of argument & analysis 35 %
Quality of evidence & research 35 %
Clarity of writing & structure 30%
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