1- Describe in detail the following elements associated with Ziegelmuellers model of an argument:
a. Data
b. Reasoning process
c. Claim2- Identify and describe three assertive techniques.3- Briefly define the following:
a. Initial credibility
b. Derived credibility
c. Terminal credibility4- Briefly describe the listening preferences identified by Kittie Watson and Larry Barker.5- How does Schema Theory relate to listening responses?6- Briefly define the following types of arguments:
a. Analogy
b. Sign (circumstantial evidence)
c. Causal correlation
d. Causal generalization
e. Example7- Briefly summarize the thesis of the following theories: attitude change theory, consistency theory, and social judgment..8- Briefly describe the listening preferences identified by Watson and Barker.9-Over the past 40 years there have been three approaches to explain the process of listening as it relates to a second-language listening. Identify and explain these three models10- The listening quad is described as foundational to teaching listening. Explain the listening quad and how it may be adapted to the communication classroom.