Topic: 4 0 0 7 5 0 I N T R O D U C T I O N T O H E A L T H B R E A K D O W N
Meets expectations at a high distinction level
Meets expectations at a distinction level
Meets expectations at a credit level
Meets expectations at a pass level
Does not meet expectations
Accurately explains relevant scientific knowledge about:
Gives a clear, in depth discussion to provide an outstanding and superior response to questions.
Gives a clear, in depth discussion to provide a superior response to questions.
Answers questions accurately using a good depth of discussion.
Answers most questions accurately at a satisfactory level.
Answers questions superficially with numerous errors in responses
Question 1.
Explain why a booster tetanus injection was given to Vivienne.
Accurately and clearly explains two reasons why a booster was given and correctly linking it to information in the case study.
Question 2.
Describe the physiological basis of any 3 of her wound observations. Relate your response to the case study.
Correctly identifies and explains three wound observations with accurate and highly outstanding scientific detail, clearly linking each wound observation to the case study.
Question 3.
Explain how Vivienne’s fever developed and state 2 benefits of fever .
Provides an accurate and outstanding scientifically relevant explanation for the development of fever.
Correctly identifies 2 benefits of fever that are scientifically relevant.
4 0 0 7 5 0 I N T R O D U C T I O N T O H E A L T H B R E A K D O W N
S P R I N G 2 0 1 2 | SECTION TWO
Question 4.
Name two most likely sources of the contamination of the wound by S. aureus and explain how the organism was transmitted to the wound from each source.
Correctly identifies two sources of contamination relevant to the case study.
Clearly outlines and fully describes the chain of infection from each of the two sources with an outstanding level of detail.
Question 5.
Explain why Augmentin is one of the appropriate drugs given to Vivienne
Provides a completely thorough, accurate and relevant scientific explanation for why Augmentin a suitable drug for the treatment of Vivienne’s wound infection.
Response extends to also include a very clear and specific explanation highlighting the role of the major ingredients in Augmentin
Question 6.
Discuss the mode of action of Augmentin and name 2 common adverse reactions of the drug.
Provides a completely thorough and accurate scientific description of the mode of action of Augmentin and its impact on the survival and activity of the bacteria.
Correctly identifies two common adverse reactions to the drug.
Question 7.
If Vivienne’s blood sample was taken for a differential blood count when she returned to the medical centre, name 2 leukocytes that will be elevated and explain why. (3)