HW 1: Choose one building from this unit (Indian, Cambodian, Chinese, or Japanese) and describe the support system, sculptural adornment, etc…

Discuss in detail whether you consider the innovation strategy suggested by Kattara and El-Said (2014) can be successful given that “consumers are inc
June 20, 2020
Prose Mash Up: Jack London’s “To Build A Fire”
June 20, 2020

HW 1: Choose one building from this unit (Indian, Cambodian, Chinese, or Japanese) and describe the support system, sculptural adornment, etc…

In the paper instructions
HW 1: Choose one building from this unit (Indian, Cambodian, Chinese, or Japanese) and describe the support system, sculptural adornment, etc…
How is it different from the Western or Greek tradition?

HW2 : Summarize 2 key points from Indian, Chinesse and Japanise ) and discuss one piece that was new to you. ( I attached three summaries for the unit that it might helps )