• Define the problem for which your 3 policy alternatives will be the solution
• Discuss why your problem is an important policy question, i.e. why it needs to be taken care of by public actors
Political context (0.5) – Discuss political involvement in the issue. Is the issue on the national or local agenda?Is there an immediate or impending crisis? Who are the relevant stakeholders and how do you know?
Policy alternatives and analysis (main body) – this is the meat of your paper. Pick 3 potential policies (one is the status quo) for addressing the problem as you have defined it. Discuss pros and cons (potential criteria: economic efficiency, target efficiency, target effectiveness, cost effectiveness, equity, political feasibility, administrative feasibility), especially how each will impact your problem. Be sure to use economic principles discussed in class when analyzing your policy alternatives. Also, explain why you chose the three alternatives that you chose (are they particularly effective in cost control? Particularly feasible?) Recommendation (0.5 pg) – based on your analysis, pick ONE alternative to recommend to your boss.