Topic: the privilege
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May 11, 2020

Human resource managment

Human resource managment

Assignment Brief
Assignment’s Title/Number: 1 Deadline: 22 February 2014 Individual/Group: Individual Re-sit deadline: 13 May 2014 Weight: 25%

Assessor(s) name(s): Christine Fitzgreald


Percentage of Final Grade


Percentage of Final Grade


Percentage of Final Grade


Percentage of Final Grade

1 2 3

15% 15% 15%

4 5 6

14% 14% 14%



Final grade Pass: 55% €“ 74% Merit: 75% €“ 84% Distinction: 85% €“ 100%


Assignment Scenario

For all questions you must provide examples for a Target Organization (TO) which you are familiar from media exposure, internet, employment or as a customer. You need not use the same TO for each question.

Assignment Question(s) Question 1 (Learning outcome: 1) Distinguish between personnel management’ and human resource management and discuss the historical development and changing context in which they operate

Distinguish between personnel management’ and human resource management’ and discuss the historical development and changing context in which they operate at your TO.

Question 2 (Learning outcome: 1) Assess the role, tasks and activities of the human resource practitioner Assess the role, tasks and activities of the human resource practitioner at your TO.

Question 3 (Learning outcome: 1) Evaluate the role and responsibilities of line managers in human resource practices Evaluate the role and responsibilities of line managers in human resource practices at your TO.

Question 4 (Learning outcome: 2) ) Analyse the need for human resource planning, the information required and the stages involved in this process Analyze the need for human resource planning, the information required and the

stages involved in this process at your TO.

Question 5 (Learning outcome: 2) Compare the structured process for recruitment in two organisations and evaluate the methods and media that can be used Compare the structured process for recruitment in two TOs and

evaluate the methods and media that can be used.

Question 6 (Learning outcome: 2) Evaluate the interview as a selection technique and discuss a range of alternative selection methods available Evaluate the interview as a selection technique and discuss a range of alternative

selection methods available for your TO.

Question 7 (Learning outcome: 2) Evaluate selection practices and procedures in two organisations comparing these to best practice’ Evaluate selection practices and procedures in two TOs comparing these to best practice’.

**Do not upload assignment with questions in text*