Human Resource Management and the Law

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Human Resource Management and the Law

Human Resource Management and the LawHuman resource department is one of the departments in a company that deals with the issues related to the different employees. It covers all the problems that are associated with the different employees. One of the main issues that have been affecting the department is the different health conditions. The company must follow some required set of laws in relation to the working environment of the employees and the different health covers that they must provide to its employees. There are environmental and other issues, which affect the human resources in the process of providing their duties.One of the issues is a healthy working environment for the employees to work in. The government stipulates the employees be provided with a safe place to perform their duties. This means that the different human resource departments of different companies should ensure that the place in which the employees are working is safe in terms of health (United States Department of Labor, 2011). Additionally, it is the work of this human resource department to ensure that there is medical insurance cover incase an employee was injured while in the work place. In relation to this, the human resource department must ensure that there are safety gadgets like the first aid and the fire extinguisher in the places of work to help in dealing in first and emergencies. Therefore, for the health department of the human resource, they must ensure that this environmental health issues are checked and implemented immediately.Another issue that many companies lack in their health department for the employees is the insurance policy for employees. Many companies do not consider it serious and when the employees are affected by a disease, they end-up losing a lot of money due to this problem. For example, when an employee becomes sick may be with a chronic disease and the employer had not insured him or her; the employer might end up losing a lot of money in court due to the different court cases, which might follow (United States Department of Labor, 2011). Additionally, most employees ensure that they try to evade this health policy for its employees, which leads them to hiring non-qualified employees. This leads to the human resource department having unskilled employees to work in the company leading to the loss of profits, which they could have simply enjoyed if they hired skilled work force. Therefore, the human resource department should care for the personal well being of their employees so that the can motivate them and get the best employees in the market.Another issue, which the human resource department is faced with, is sick leave for the sick employees. Many companies try to avoid this by issuing a no pay for those employees who go on sick leave. However, the government has been tracking these employers so that they could provide justice for the employees (United States Department of Labor, 2011). For example, when the employees have gone on a sick leave, the human resource department is faced with the problem of low members. This means that either the other workers will be overworked or the work, which was being done by the said employees, will have to be stopped so that the employees could heal and resume work as normal. Therefore, the human resource department should try to come up with a plan if this ever happened.In conclusion, the issue of health may be assumed by every human resources department of various companies. When they do this, they might lose more money than they could have saved. Some of these issues might even lead to the business being closed by the government like the issue of environmental health. Incase the business does not meet the standards, it might be forced to close down by the government. Additionally, people might be afraid of working with a company that does not provide insurance. This might lead to the hiring of unqualified employees. Lastly, the companies might lose a lot if the human resource department does not have strategy on how to cope with sick leave incase there was disease break out. Therefore, the human resource department should ensure that the different health issues are dealt with to ensure safe running of the business.ReferencesUnited States Department of Labor (2011). Occupation Safety & Health Administration. . Retrieved From: