Read over the description of the Human Inherited Traits in the Week 6 Experiment instructions in our course and complete the table below. NOTE: For each of the traits in the table below, you must determine whether you exhibit them or not. In the data sheet, the genotype and phenotype are YOURS based on your examination of yourself. If you exhibit a dominant trait, then remember that you may have more than one possible genotype! So, if you have the dominant characteristic, make sure that you list both of the genotypic possibilities.
Personal Genotype Data: An example is shown as to what should be entered in RED. Please correct the entry for “Ear lobes” based on your personal data. For the Genotypes, please use the letters provided in the information under Experiment 6 in our online course.
Ear lobes
EE or Ee
Unatttached ear lobes
Attached ear lobes
Widow’s peak
Tongue rolling
Hand folding
Cleft chin
Tongue folding
Hitchhiker’s thumb
Bent little finger
Mid-digital hair
1. Which traits did you have that were dominant?
2. Which traits did you have that were recessive?
3. Define homozygous? Cite source(s) used.
4. Define heterozygous? Cite source(s) used.
5. Define genotype and phenotype? Cite source(s) used.
6. Which traits do you know for sure that you were homozygous?