Human Health and Development.

Human Health and Development.

Human health and development.


You will be asked to interview someone at least 20 years older than you. The goal of the
interview is to learn from the older adult what he or she believes has had the greatest influence in their development and what
advice he or she can give you as someone younger. This interview will need to be comprehensive (no one or two word answers)
and can be written or recorded. The person interviewed must consent to the process (form will be provided to you) and
understand that the instructor and other class members will read (hear) the interview. You will be provided guidance on
interviewing skills to aid you in meeting the comprehensiveness requirement. You will present/play your interview in class and be
prepared to identify for other class members three things you learned in the process of completing this assignment.


BP – Oil Industry Company
November 17, 2019
Prison Systems and Utopias
November 17, 2019