African-American History
September 10, 2020
Impact of News Photography
September 10, 2020

Huffman trucking

Huffman Trucking is a transportation company with private ownership. The company has over one thousand and four hundred employees and a lot of vehicles. The company’s The company’s main maintenanceoffices are located in Cleveland. With the high number of employees and the increasing number of vehicles, the company needs a better way of tracking and maintaining them. However, the company’s administration noted that their automated information systems infrastructure was lagging, which would lead to a fall in the number of customers. The company hired Smith System Consulting Company that would assist in managing and maintaining their fleet, by developing a plan that would store the information into a database. The company’sEnterprise Resource Planning System was implemented, where the price analysts had to keep a record of customer sales, orders, delivery, maintenance, scheduling and accounting. The price analysts in the company negotiate service contract freight rates involved. They also respond to spot shipment rate requests and implement tariffs that are to be charged, which help the company to reduce their costs (DeCenzo, Robbins & Verhulst, 2013). The maintenance of the vehicles is done using a database that incorporates the maintenance of all equipment owned by the company. Vendors used and their details, inventory and catalogue information are also included in the database. The price analysts ensure accuracy of this information as much as possible in order to save the company’s time and money. Centralization of the database allows all departments in the company to follow the costs and the purchases of the parts as conducted in the various departments. The monitoring of different departments in the company requires many assistant administrators. The price analysts in the accounting department require close follow-up by the assistant administrators in order to ensure that accuracy is maintained. According to DeCenzo, Robbins & Verhulst (2013), assistant administrators control strategy the different supervisors in the various departments, supporting the successful plans used by the company in achieving their goal. The assistant administrators stand in for the administrators in Huffman Tracking Company to ensure that the database used is suitable in meeting the company’s requirements. In order to scrutinize the records, they are required to have great knowledge in the software used.

In conclusion, Huffman Trucking Company is highly developed and proper maintenance of its vehicles is necessary. It also has to deal with its lagging automation system in order to maintain its customers and increase profits. The company’s price analysts must ensure that they keep accurate information and data in order to reduce the effect of inaccurate payrolls and maintenance logs. The database that was improved by the Smith System Consulting Company will enable Huffman Trucking Company to save money that is used in maintenance by evading inaccurate information and improving the record keeping system in the company. Motivation of employees by the assistant administrators will create a good working environment, making the employees more efficient. The database will also enable the employees from the various departments to be more accurate since the information given is reliable. The accounting departments where the price analysts are based will also have a chance of using the database in monitoring the purchases and the costs. Centralization of the database will enable the company’s administrators have an easier task of monitoring all the departments involved and easily create the required spreadsheets. If the database is accurately used, Huffman Trucking Company will realize its goals by expanding further.


DeCenzo, D., A., Robbins, S., P., & Verhulst, S., L. (2013). Fundamentals of human resource management, 11th edition. Hoboken, NJ: John Willey & Sons.

Deleted:employees are located in New Jersey, Boyonne, California, and Los Angels. The company’s