(Links to an external site.) 1-Pick three specific events from the video that stood out to y

This assignment is from the book called LOUISE AMENDED: A MEMOIR BY LOUISE KRUG. Unlike many traditional memoirs, Louise: Amended presented through a
June 28, 2020
Discuss the principles of holistic care and the four principles of the holistic caring process Discuss the differences in patient needs when developin
June 28, 2020 (Links to an external site.) 1-Pick three specific events from the video that stood out to y

For up to 10 points of Extra Credit, please submit a 1 page double spaced response about the movie, We Shall Remain: Trail of Tears that answers the following questions: (Links to an external site.)1-Pick three specific events from the video that stood out to you. Explain what those events were, and why you think they were significant.
2-How did this video help you to better understand the Trail of Tears? Or, in what ways does this video help to enhance your understanding of the Trail of Tears?