How would this effect the production of atp

Finding the original mutation
April 19, 2020
Calculating Food Energy and Percent Kcalories
April 19, 2020

How would this effect the production of atp

1. A toxin has rendered one of the proton pumps of the electron transport chain (located on the inner membrane of the mitochondria) non-functional. How would this effect the production of ATP (increase, decrease, no change)?

2. You are running away from a bear (yikes!) and the oxygen demand in your muscle cells is exceeding your oxygen supply. Without sufficient oxygen, electrons will not be pulled through the electron transport chain.

Describe how would this effect ATP production (increase, decrease, no change)?

Describe how would this effect NADH production (increase, decrease, no change)?

Describe how would this effect pyruvate production (increase, decrease, no change)?