How to Establish E-Commerce Business in UAE Academic Essay

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August 16, 2020

How to Establish E-Commerce Business in UAE Academic Essay


The aim of this survey is to collect data purely for academic purposes. The main aim of this study is how to establish an e-commerce business by analyzing the main requirements of starting the business, the technology and infrastructure important in managing the online operations and markets.

Your responses will be very confidential.

Important: Kindly do not write your name anywhere on this questionnaire

Kindly tick (?) the appropriate box or write in the space (s) provided.

˜ Male

˜ Female

˜ 20 years

˜ 21 – 30

˜ 31 – 40

˜ 41 – 50

Area of Specialization/Profession

˜ Manufacturing

˜ Tourism/Hotel

˜ Education

˜ Health

˜ IT /Communication

˜ Transport and Logistics

˜ Any other ____(Please state)
Length of time I have used the internet to make transactions

˜ Less than a month

˜ One month

˜ Over one months

˜ One year

˜ Over one year

Daily internet use per hour

˜ < 1 hour ˜ 1-2 hours ˜ 2-3-hours ˜ 3-8 hours ˜ > 8 hours
SECTION B I use the internet for MOST my transactions

˜ Agree

˜ Not sure

˜ Disagree
I don’t use the internet FOR MOST my transactions ˜ Agree

˜ Not sure

˜ Disagree
I have been able to complete all the internet transactions ˜ Agree

˜ Not sure

˜ Disagree
I did not complete some of my internet transaction ˜ Agree

˜ Not sure

˜ Disagree
I am able to get information about different products and services through the internet ˜ Agree

˜ Not sure

˜ Disagree
I do not get information about different products and services from the internet ˜ Agree

˜ Not sure

˜ Disagree
I get online messages such as email and social media messages from different businesses ˜ Agree

˜ Not sure

˜ Disagree
I don’t get online messages from different businesses ˜ Agree

˜ Not sure

˜ Disagree
I communicate directly with business owners and executives through the internet ˜ Agree

˜ Not sure

˜ Disagree
I am unable to communicate with business owners and executives through the internet ˜ Agree

˜ Not sure

˜ Disagree
I send and receive invoices through the internet ˜ Agree

˜ Not sure

˜ Disagree
I do not send and receive invoices through the internet ˜ Agree

˜ Not sure

˜ Disagree
I pay or receive payment for products/services through the internet ˜ Agree

˜ Not sure

˜ Disagree
I am unable to pay or receive payment for products/services through the internet ˜ Agree

˜ Not sure

˜ Disagree
I use the internet to search for new business options ˜ Agree

˜ Not sure

˜ Disagree
I do not use the internet to search for new business options ˜ Agree

˜ Not sure

˜ Disagree
I prefer to visit the shopping malls rather than do online shopping. ˜ Agree

˜ Not sure

˜ Disagree
What is the level of security you feel when you perform transaction over internet ˜ 100%

˜ 75%

˜ 50%

˜ 25%

˜ 0%
Is this question part of your assignment?
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Posted on May 13, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions