How the possible allelic combinations for this gene

Solution-Summarization of the unique embedded video
April 30, 2020
Are there any concerns or negative impacts associated
April 30, 2020

How the possible allelic combinations for this gene

Q1. At the same time that you did the viable cell count of your bacterial culture (in problem 10), you also counted the cells in a Petroff-Hausser chamber; however, the cell count you obtained from Petroff-Hausser chamber is nearly double that obtained in the viable cell count. Based on this result, what may you conclude about the growth phase of the bacterial culture you are working with – was it likely to be in lag phase, exponential or stationary phase. Explain the answer.

Q2. In ward’s Ap biology lab 7 (the drosophila lab) describe the parental cross you received; use genetic symbols. Depict a punnett square to show how the possible allelic combinations for this gene in the F1 generation.