How technology has ruined us
1. Choose a topic. Think about issues/ideas that you have a strong opinion on or are passionate about. Conduct some prewriting and preliminary research to see what you can find on your topic. Keep track of all possible sources and citation information as you go. *Off-limit topics: drinking age, abortion, and the death penalty. You should begin working on this step immediately after receiving the assignment. Please feel free to run preliminary topic ideas by me prior to working on the proposal. Please see pg. 295 in your text: Topic Narrowing: Issues for Argument.
2. Create a Research Proposal to turn into me for approval. A research proposal is when you write a “pitch” to me telling me the probable scope and focus of your essay. At this point, you need to communicate to me a solid thesis and a plan for development for the essay. Additionally, you may choose to include counterarguments you wish to address. This should be typed, about 2 paragraphs in length. You may also include any sources you’ve found that you think will be useful to your paper. Note: You needed to have completed some preliminary research by this point to ensure that you have enough material to work with. However, your focus/thesis may still change slightly after the original proposal. *Due: __________________
3. Once your proposal is approved, you should continue your research and plan your paper. You should strongly consider creating an outline for yourself to follow. Then begin drafting the paper.
4. A full draft of your research paper is due _____________________. I will review your papers and prepare commentary on them to be discussed during individual conferences.
5. Peer Workshops: ____________________. Please bring 2 copies of your revised paper with you to this class meeting. Your goal is to have revised based on what we discussed in your conference and then get feedback from your peers on your revisions.