How Islam is presented in news media ?

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June 2, 2020

How Islam is presented in news media ?

In this unit, we will discuss current issues about the news media. Your major project for this third unit is to write a text-based research paper in which you start with a research question related to our discussions on news media. This question should prompt you to investigate a topic dealing with a specific issue related to the news media.Your research will require collecting facts, opinions, and perspectives from various texts. You will also need to identify grounds for grouping the textual components and to organize this textual material under one or more controlling themes. The purpose of this paper is to explore the topic and attempt to answer your research question as objectively as possible.

You are required to synthesize the information from at least three outside sources. You may use the readings discussed in class as sources in your paper, but you will still need an additional three outside sources. At least two of these sources must be from an academic journal or book. Any information retrieved from the Internet must be credible and appropriate as discussed in class.