How is Grendel “transformed” by his first raid on Heorot? In what sense does he “become” himself?

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March 25, 2020
The politics of emotion control
March 25, 2020

How is Grendel “transformed” by his first raid on Heorot? In what sense does he “become” himself?

Respond to the following prompt as completely as possible (at least 500 words). While a question may seem limited to a who or what, but your answer should not be limited. Write to demonstrate your deeper understanding of the question and its meaning to the novel as a whole. Support your answers with direct evidence from the novel Grendel. Make sure you include proper MLA parenthetical citations for your evidence.

Prompt: How is Grendel “transformed” by his first raid on Heorot? In what sense does he “become” himself?