How has your agency established a brand identity? Give specific examples of what they have done? What could they do that they are not now doing to cre

June 8, 2020
To what extend is the French government and politics still ‘Gaullist’ ?
June 9, 2020

How has your agency established a brand identity? Give specific examples of what they have done? What could they do that they are not now doing to cre

How has your agency established a brand identity? Give specific examples of what they have done? What could they do that they are not now doing to create and maintain a brand identity? (If you have not been employed in the emergency services, use your readings to respond to the questions.)

Your response to this discussion question should be 250-300 words minimum.  Use references appropriately in APA style. Your initial response is due Friday before 11:59 pm. Your response to two other students is due Sunday before 11:59 pm. Your comments should add substantively to the discussion and not just show agreement. Remember to be collegiate in your responses to other students; in other words, polite and respectful.


Respone 1

A brand identity can be described as a visual expression of product that is communicated to targeted customers and the outside world at large. In this agency, brand identity has been established in four main ways i.e. The Company’s fire and rescue logo, the service crest of the state, the corporate colors as well as the corporate type face. The relevance of the firm’s fire and rescue logo is that it is distinctive and easily recognizable to the firm’s business clients. The service crest incorporated in the in the agency’s brand further augments the unique feature of its brand identity. Presently, the agency’s logo also includes its motto ‘Making the World a Safer Place’. The relevance of the motto is that it enhances the image of the agency and creates a recognizable logo wherever it is used.

In order to create and sustain a robust brand identity, the agency needs to improve its accessibility especially in its area of operation. The agency needs to ensure that the Service mottos, crests and other brand identity are available to all parts of the community. Again, to ensure that issues of discrimination are not stipulated, the agency should ensure that the literature provided is inclusive. It should also ensure that consideration is bestowed to all people who read/ utilize this emergency service. Moreover, the agency should ensure that its brand identity supports its legislative roles and best practices.

The language utilized for communication should take into account the audience of the agency. Additionally, plain and simple language should be used to ensure all the existing and potential business clients construe the message being conveyed. For instance, the sentences should be kept short, clear and concise.


Respone 2

In the gym that I work for the brand is crossfit. Many people look at the term crossfit and think that they understand what crossfit is. In reality many people have no clue that crossfit is about. People look at the brand of crossfit and think of crazy, intensity, and many people even have gone as far to say that it is a cult. The funny part about that is the people who say these things have never actually tried crossfit. Now don’t get me wrong an outsider looking in might have those assumptions but once you try crossfit you understand that it is more than just a workout.Crossfit methodology is constantly varied, high intensity, functional movement. This means that the workout you are getting is one in that is always making your body guess. The crossfit brand is actually a  fairly new concept. Marketing crossfit is something that is kind of a challenge. There are many different crossfit gyms in Utah alone. So being able to market to a specific group of people you need to know about the area your gym is located. One thing I think that many gyms need to market towards is the younger generate. Many kids in high school have the ability to get physically fit without feeling awkward at the high school gym.