How has technology or information systems contributed to your issue or problem

Constitutional state government institutions system
October 21, 2020
Escalation from Fetish Burglaries to Sexual Violence:
October 21, 2020

How has technology or information systems contributed to your issue or problem

APA formatting of the assignment and citation rules must be followed

Failure to follow this format above for your assignment will result in a zero grade for this assignment until it is submitted in the proper format and then the late policy will be applied.

Assignment #3:

Technology Influence

Prepare a 2-page paper that addresses:

1.  1. How has technology or information systems contributed to your issue or problem?

2.  2. How has technology benefitted or hindered progress toward a solution?

3.      3. How you will you implement technology into the solution?

This paper must adhere to APA style standards including the following: Cover page, 1.) proper header and page numbers, 2.) double space, 3.) 1” margins, in text citation references, and a 4.) Reference page that includes at least two (2) quality legal sources.  No newspaper, news websites, dictionary, lawyer websites, etc.  Are acceptable unless you are finding statistical information and then your information must be accurate and not opinion.