Topic: 1. How does culture affect public policy? You may use a case study as an example
the essay Q is: 1. How does culture affect public policy? You may use a case study as an example.
Vermeulen, H. 2001, ?Culture as obstacle or engine of success in society?, in Culture and Inequality: Immigrant cultures and
social mobility in long-term perspective, Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, Amsterdam.
Mazarr, M.J. 1996, ?Culture in International Relations?, Washington Quarterly, Spring.
?The man in the Baghdad caf??, 1996, The Economist, November 9.
? Fukuyama, F. 2001, ?Culture and Economic Development: Cultural Concerns?, in International Encyclopaedia of the Social and
Behavioural Sciences, Elsevier Science.
Rao, V. and Walton, M. (eds.) 2004, ?Culture and Public Action: Relationality, Equality of Agency, and Development?, in Rao,
V. and Walton, M. (eds.) Culture and Public Action, Stanford University Press, Stanford, California.
Sen, A. 2004, ?How does Culture Matter??, in Rao, V. and Walton, M. (eds.) Culture and Public Action, Stanford University
Press, Stanford, California.
Griswold, W. 1994, ?The Social Construction of Social Problems?, in Cultures and Societies in a Changing World, Pine Forge
Press, Thousand Oaks, California.
? Harrison, L.E. 2006, ?Patterns of Cultural Change?, in The Central L