How does a government budget surplus affect the U.S. economy

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July 10, 2020

How does a government budget surplus affect the U.S. economy

How does a government budget surplus affect the U.S. economy? Identify two periods in recent history in which the United States has run budget surpluses. What were the reasons for the surpluses during those time periods?

What are the potential consequences of a country having a large overall debt? If you were in the position to implement a solution for the country’s long-term debt, what would it be and why?

How does a government budget deficit affect the economy? Identify two periods in recent history in which the United States has run budget deficits. What were the reasons for the deficits during those time periods?

What are the positive and negative aspects of budget deficits and surpluses? What policy is best for today’s economy? Explain your answer.