how do you write an audience analysis:

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how do you write an audience analysis:


    1. Look at the questions in the different resources listed in the audience analysis memo assignment description in the syllabus.
      • Figure 5.5, Audience Profile Sheet, in chapter 5, Analyzing your Audience, in the Markel text
      • the table, Identifying Individual Characteristics of Readers”, in chapter 5, Analyzing your Audience, in the Markel text.
      • the questions in the Analyzing your Audience section of the module 1 commentary
    2. Identify your primary and secondary audience for your project. (You have done some of that already in your topic description.)
    3. Develop a profile of your primary audience. (Use the Audience Profile Sheet in Markel, chapter 5, as a guide.) A blank copy of the Audience Profile Sheet from Markel is attached to this topic if you would like to use it.
    4. Develop a profile of your secondary audience. (Use the Audience Profile Sheet in Markel, chapter 5, as a guide.) A blank copy of the Audience Profile Sheet from Markel is attached to this topic if you would like to use it.


    1. Write an introduction (a paragraph, maybe) for your memo in which you identify the purpose of your memo and briefly describe your project topic
    2. Using the profile as a guide, write a narrative description of your primary audience under the heading, Who is my Primary Audience?”
    3. Using the profile as a guide, write a narrative description of your secondary audience under the heading, Who is my Secondary Audience?”.
    4. Write a conclusion for your memo.
    5. Merge these different parts together and add transitions for a coherent document.