1. How do you define art? What criteria must a work of art meet in order for you to consider it art? Explain.2. Which of the following art forms that well be studying this semester do your prefer: literature, painting, sculpture, photography, music, architecture, film, theater, OR dance? Explain why. How does this art form fit into your definition of art (from Question 1)? Only discusstype of art. If you have more than one type that you like, choose ONE to write about.If you dont have a preferred art form, then pickthat you like in order to answer this question. If you tell me that you dont have a preferredtype and leave your answer at that you will get a 0 for your answer.3. Based on your preferred art form (fromquestion 2)who is your favorite artist? Explain why. How does this artist fit into your criteria for what you consider good art (from question 1)? Explain. Please only discussartist. If you have more than one that you love, then only write about ONE.If you dont have a favorite artist, then pickthat you like in order to answer this question. If you tell me that you dont have a favorite artist and leave your answer at that you will get a 0 for your answer.********* ASSIGNMENT 2After completing assignment 1 and writing your own definition of art, consider the followingMany students say that anything and everything can be art. Although there are no correct or incorrect definitions of art, to say that everything is art really diminishes the value of art. Art then becomes everything and nothing at the same time. The idea that everything is art has been hotly debated in the early to mid 20th century. The artist Piero Manzoni explored this idea when he canned his own feces and sold it at the then current price of gold. The title of the work is Merda dArtista Italian for Artists Shit.Heres his website:This is what happens when everything becomes art. Funny? Genius? Offensive? Obviously its a matter of opinion. His art was on display in New York City this year. Heres an article that looks at the exhibit:Heres the gallery. He did more than can his own feces although thats what hes best known for:We will be asking Is this art? again and again throughout the course.