Question details:
LRE and FAPE. Please read the article Least Restrictive Environment: How Do We Prepare Both Our Special Educators and Our General Educators to Comply with the Provision? (Keuhne, 1998).
According to IDEA, what do the terms Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) and Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) mean? How does inclusion fit into the big picture of LRE? Discuss the legal ramifications of the LRE provision as mandated by IDEA, the relative and dynamic properties of LRE, and the collaborative dimension of implementing LRE for students in special education. In addition, discuss any personal experiences you may have had as part of an IEP team for a student where LRE was determined, or any insights you might have on ensuring LRE and FAPE for all students.
Importance of an IEP. Review the article from the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY), Contents of the IEP. Summarize these components and explain the purpose and importance of the IEP in supporting the student’s educational outcomes. Explain the role of the family in the IEP process.
Special Education Law Review. Using this information from the readings for this week, prepare a three- to four-page written paper summarizing IDEA, NCLB, ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Include a discussion on the following elements:
a. The purpose or main function of each law
b. The six principles of IDEA
c. The six principles of NCLB
d. The important elements of Section 504 and ADA. Discuss the difference between Section 504 and IDEA
e. The significance of educators having knowledge of these laws when educating students with disabilities
The paper must be three to four pages in length and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least two scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook, to support your claims. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the references page. For information regarding APA, including samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, located within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar in your online course.
Compare and Contrast: LD and CD. Consider the characteristics of a student with a learning disability (LD) and a student with a communication disorder (CD). Compare and contrast the following aspects of LD and CD:
a. Definition of each disability
b. Characteristics of each disability
c. Evaluation of each disability area
d. Research-based effective instructional strategies, supports, and services
What are your experiences with working with a student or individual with a learning disability or communication disorder? Have you found the characteristics discussed in the readings to be accurate? What further suggestions might you have for teaching students with LD?
Response to Intervention. Choose one of the research articles/presentations available through the National Center on Response to Intervention: Research website. Summarize the research article you reviewed for your classmates and then discuss your insights on how the RTI model differs from the discrepancy model of identifying a learning disability. What are the strengths and needs of both models? What challenges exist in implementing the RTI model in schools?
Educator Reflections. This week we have discussed learning disabilities and communication disorders. As you may have noticed, most students with these disabilities are in the general education classroom either part of, or most of, the school day. What is your comfort level with teaching students with learning disabilities and/or communication disorders in the general education setting? What challenges do you think you might experience? What actions can you take to mitigate these potential challenges? Journal options:
a. Create a written reflection journal
b. Create a Jing reflection using a screencast
c. Create a Voki reflection using a talking avatar
d. Participate in a peer dialogue reflection, where you discuss the questions above with a peer or colleague and write a reflection based on your discussion
Adapting Lesson Plans for an Inclusive Classroom. Using one (or more) of the free resources below, write a three- to four-page critique of three lesson plans (one Grade K-5 lesson, one Grade 7-8 lesson, and one high school lesson) in regard to addressing the needs of students with LD or CD. Make sure to include at least one additional resource beyond the above sources for lesson plans. Your critique should address the following elements:
a. Determine the elements of the lesson that would be specifically helpful in addressing the needs of a student with LD or CD.
b. Generate ideas for adaptations that you might make to the lesson to more effectively support students with disabilities. Discuss research-based strategies that could be used to enhance learning in the lesson.
c. Identify potential accommodations, modifications or supplemental services, within the context of the lesson that could support the needs of students with LD or CD.
d. Generate at least five ways that a teacher could leverage learning strategies, social interactions, and behavior supports within the lesson to address student needs.
Sources for lesson plans:
a. Classroom Resources
b. Discovery Education
c. Digital History
d. Hotchalk Lesson Plans Page
e. Lessons
f. Lessons Plans
g. PBS Teachers
Emotional Disorders. Read Emotional Disturbance. Define and discuss the characteristics of emotional/behavioral disabilities (EBD). Next, explain the educational implications and how IDEA plays a role in ensuring students are given the appropriate support in the classroom. Further, discuss any of your own personal insights and/or strategies for teaching students with EBD. What challenges have you typically found or would anticipate with teaching students with EBD? How can these challenges be mitigated?
ADD/ADHD Characteristics and Accommodations. Read ADD/ADHD NICHYC and Teaching Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Instructional Strategies and Practices. Summarize the characteristics of ADD and ADHD. Describe three practical accommodations for students with ADD and three practical accommodations for students with ADHD that you might need to use in your classroom. Explain why you chose the three and how you would implement the accommodations.
Teaching Strategies. Watch ADHD Classroom Strategies. Post your reaction to the video. Which strategies did Dr. Jonas Bromberg and Jon Weinberger discuss that you found interesting? What tips do you feel might work best? What are three additional teaching strategies you believe may work for students with ADHD? Journal options:
a. Create a written reflection journal
b. Create a Jing reflection using a screencast
c. Create a Voki reflection using a talking avatar
d. Participate in a peer dialogue reflection, where you discuss the questions above with a peer or colleague and write a reflection based on your discussion
Accommodation Support Plan. Read An ADHD Case Study and Teaching Students with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Create a fictional student in your classroom with either an emotional or behavioral disorder and create an accommodation/support plan. Include:
a. The child’s name, grade, and disability.
b. An analysis of the needs of the student, including the student’s areas of strength, areas of interest, areas of concern that might affect his or her ability to learn and interact, and the areas of organization that need to be a priority for this student. Be sure to include how you observed the different areas.
c. At least two goals and specific accommodations he/she will need to be supported. Include a rationale for why each of the accommodations is the best fit.
Planning for Students with Intellectual Disabilities. Please read Intellectual disability: Matthew’s story. Discuss what it means to have an intellectual disability and how this might impact Matthew’s overall education. Then, based on his interests and needs, discuss the supplementary supports and services that could be integrated into his IEP to support his success in school. Further, discuss specific ways in which interagency collaboration and community-based instruction could support Matthew in achieving his goals and dreams beyond high school. If applicable, share any personal or professional experiences you have had with working with students with an intellectual disability.
Supporting Students with Physical Impairments. Consider the characteristics of an individual with physical disabilities. Choose one physical disability area you are interested in learning more about (e.g., spina bifida or cerebral palsy) to elaborate on. How might the characteristics of your chosen disorder affect development and learning? What accommodations could an educator make to address the needs of a student with a physical disability? What related services might support the needs of a student with this disability? What assistive technology tools or devices might provide greater access and independence for students?
Research Paper. For this assignment, you will write a five-to six-page paper on intellectual disabilities, including information from at least three peer-reviewed articles and the class text.
The paper must include:
a. Basic facts pertaining to the disability, including the legal definition, characteristics, and limitations in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior.
b. Ways to address the needs of students within this disability category (strategies, accommodations, modifications, assistive technology).
c. Supplementary aids and services and/or related services that may be included on the IEP.
d. Community resources, services, or agencies available for students and families for the selected disability category.
e. Transition planning considerations for students with intellectual disabilities.
f. Inclusion tips to foster the concept of a least restrictive environment.
Families and Autism. Watch the video Families of Kids with Autism Talk about Their Successes. Post your reaction to the video, and then discuss how families of children with autism partner with educators to provide appropriate accommodations for learning and development. Imagine yourself in the role of a teacher of a child with autism in your classroom. Generate a list of research-based best practices for collaborating with the family to build a strong school-family partnership.
Transition and Self-Determination. Read the articles, Designing Individualized Education Program (IEP) Transition Plans and Self-Determination and the Education of Students with Disabilities. Identify and discuss the elements of an IEP transition plan, as well as the importance of promoting self-determination in the transition plan and process. Discuss your experiences and insights on effective strategies to teach self-determination skills to a student with a disability and what challenges you might anticipate when teaching these skills. How would you overcome these challenges to ensure students are well prepared for life beyond high school?
Sensory Impairments. Discuss some of the learning needs of students with visual impairments (VI) and hearing impairments (HI). How might the characteristics of each disability affect development and learning? What accommodations could an educator make to address the needs of a student with each of these disabilities? What are some important inclusion tips to support students with VI and students with HI in the general education classroom?
Diverse Learners and Differentiated Instruction. Visit the DifferentiationCentral website and review at least two videos of your choice. In your post, summarize the main ideas of your two videos and discuss your perspective on differentiation and how this approach can meet the needs of a diverse classroom. Additionally, what challenges will an educator have when trying to teach a lesson to a diverse group of learners? Assume the class consists of students who are considered gifted, typical students and students with disabilities.
Professional Presentation
In an article from the Council for Exceptional Children, Beckman (2001) states Improved student learning requires teachers, schools, and districts to give up unproductive traditions and beliefs, replacing them with validated practices and a full understanding of the intent of the law. Successful student access to the general education curriculum is most likely when there is general acceptance of best practices in special education and adherence to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
You are a special education teacher and your principal would like the general education teachers to be aware of special education laws and strategies for supporting students with disabilities in their classrooms. With this in mind, the principal has asked you to put together an in-service presentation for the next faculty meeting (with mostly general education teachers) that reviews important components of special education, the law, and research-based strategies for instruction and inclusion.
The presentation should address the following components:
a. Overview of IDEA, least restrictive environment (LRE), and free and appropriate public education (FAPE)
b. The purpose and main components of an Individualized Education Program (IEP)
c. Accommodations and modifications that could support students with disabilities in the classroom
d. Compare/Contrast learning disabilities (LD) and emotional/behavioral disabilities (EBD)
e. Compare/Contrast LD and intellectual disabilities (ID)
f. Compare/Contrast EBD and ID
g. Inclusion tips for each of the disability areas above (LD, EBD, ID)
The presentation should be 15 to 20 slides, and must include title and references slides. The presentation should have a professional appearance and provide visuals to engage the audience. Further, each slide should include slide notes that elaborate on the content of the presentation slide. APA format should be used for all in-text citations and references. Include at least two resources in addition to your course text.
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