How can we improve global cooperation to respond to cybersecurity challenges in cyberspace?

Future challenges for Health care management
September 11, 2020
History Internal Assessment
September 11, 2020

How can we improve global cooperation to respond to cybersecurity challenges in cyberspace?

How can we improve global cooperation to respond to cybersecurity challenges in cyberspace?

Case Scenario:

For this case study, you are asked to (a) read the International Chamber of Commerce’s Cybersecurity Guide for Business and (b) watch three scenario segments from the “Scenario Based Planning” session at the 2015 Global Conference on Cyber Space. After you have done so, develop your answer to the question: How can we improve global cooperation in response to cybersecurity challenges in cyberspace?

Your audience for this case study is a panel session at a conference attended primarily by industry representatives from U.S. companies. Your task is to prepare a two to three page white paper which summarizes your response to the question. [This paper would be provided to session attendees in advance of the panel discussion.]

1. Watch the Scenario Based Planning video from the 2015 Global Conference on Cyber Space

a. Start of Session is at 5:05:00 on Live Stream Channel #1 (or click on “Scenario Based Planning” menu item in lower left hand corner of video at startup).

b. The three “scenario videos” (approx. 6 mins each) occur at the following times in the livestream channel recording:

i. 5:11:00 – 5:17:30

ii. 5:35:30 – 5:41:30

iii. 6:05:30 – 6:12:10

c. End of Session is at 6:28:00

2. Review the recommendations from the International Chamber of Commerce Cybersecurity Guide for Business

3. Find three or more additional sources to support your answer to the case question.

Using standard terminology (see case study #1), write a two to three page response to the panel question. At a minimum, your summary must include the following:

1. An introduction which addresses the reasons why cooperation on a global basis is required to address cybersecurity challenges. This introduction should focus on political, economic, and social factors.

2. A separate section in which you discuss the business need for cooperation on a global basis. This discussion should include examples of global, multinational business which operate in cyberspace and the cybersecurity challenges each business faces. Use the “global” companies from the Industry Profile Project as your examples. These companies include: Amazon, Apple, eBay, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Oracle Corp., Priceline, Salesforce, Twitter, and Yahoo.

3. A separate section in which you identify and discuss three or more specific cooperative efforts (e.g. alliances, associations, public/private partnerships) which currently exist. These may be industry specific, national, or international efforts.

4. A closing section (“Recommendations”) in which you identify, discuss, and recommend three or more specific actions which global businesses as a whole can take to improve cooperation within and across industries for the purposes of addressing the cybersecurity challenges which you previously identified. This section should provide an overall answer to the general question: How can we improve global cooperation in response to cybersecurity challenges in cyberspace?
Formatting Instructions

1. Use standard APA formatting for the MS Word document that you submit to your assignment folder. Formatting requirements and examples are found under Course Resources > APA Resources.
Additional Information

1. You are expected to write grammatically correct English in every assignment that you submit for grading. Do not turn in any work without (a) using spell check, (b) using grammar check, (c) verifying that your punctuation is correct and (d) reviewing your work for correct word usage and correctly structured sentences and paragraphs. These items are graded under Professionalism and constitute 15% of the assignment grade.

2. You are expected to credit your sources using in-text citations and reference list entries. Both your citations and your reference list entries must comply with APA 6th edition Style requirements. Failure to credit your sources will result in penalties as provided for under the university’s Academic Integrity policy.

Case Study #4: How can we improve global cooperation to respond to cybersecurity challenges in cyberspace?
Case Scenario:
For this case study, you are asked to (a)read the International Chamber of Commerce’s Cybersecurity Guide for Business and (b) watch three scenario segments from the“Scenario Based Planning” session at the 2015 Global Conference on Cyber Space. After you have done so, develop your answer to the question: How can we improve global cooperation in response to cybersecurity challenges in cyberspace?
Your audience for this case study is a panel session at a conference attended primarily by industry representatives from U.S. companies. Your task is to prepare a two to three page white paper which summarizes your response to the question. [This paper would be provided to session attendees in advance of the panel discussion.]
1. Watch the Scenario Based Planning video from the 2015 Global Conference on Cyber Space
a. Start of Session is at 5:05:00 on Live Stream Channel #1 (or click on “Scenario Based Planning” menu item in lower left hand corner of video at startup).
b. The three “scenario videos” (approx. 6mins each) occur at the following times in the livestream channel recording:
i. 5:11:00 – 5:17:30
ii. 5:35:30 – 5:41:30
iii. 6:05:30 – 6:12:10
c. End of Session is at 6:28:00
2. Review the recommendations from the International Chamber of Commerce Cybersecurity Guide for Business
3. Find three or more additional sources to support your answer to the case question.
Using standard terminology (see case study #1), write a two to three page response to the panel question. At a minimum, your summary must include the following:
1. An introduction which addresses the reasons why cooperation on a global basis is required to address cybersecurity challenges. This introduction should focus on political, economic, and social factors.
2. A separate section in which you discuss the business need for cooperation on a global basis. This discussion should include examples of global, multinational business which operate in cyberspace and the cybersecurity challenges each business faces. Use the “global” companies from the Industry Profile Project as your examples. These companies include: Amazon, Apple, eBay, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Oracle Corp., Priceline, Salesforce, Twitter, and Yahoo.
3. A separate section in which you identify and discuss three or more specific cooperative efforts (e.g. alliances, associations, public/private partnerships) which currently exist. These may be industry specific, national, or international efforts.
4. A closing section (“Recommendations”) in which you identify, discuss, and recommend three or more specific actions which global businesses as a whole can take to improve cooperation within and across industries for the purposes of addressing the cybersecurity challenges which you previously identified. This section should provide an overall answer to the general question: How can we improve global cooperation in response to cybersecurity challenges in cyberspace?
Formatting Instructions
1. Use standard APA formatting for the MS Word document that you submit to your assignment folder. Formatting requirements and examples are found under Course Resources> APA Resources.
Additional Information
1. You are expected to write grammatically correct English in every assignment that you submit for grading. Do not turn in any work without (a) using spell check, (b) using grammar check, (c) verifying that your punctuation is correct and (d) reviewing your work for correct word usage and correctly structured sentences and paragraphs. These items are graded under Professionalism and constitute 15% of the assignment grade.
2. You are expected to credit your sources using in-text citations and reference list entries. Both your citations and your reference list entries must comply with APA 6th edition Style requirements. Failure to credit your sources will result in penalties as provided for under the university’s Academic Integrity policy.

Rubric Name: Case Study #4 Rubric

Criteria Excellent Outstanding Acceptable Needs Improvement Needs Significant Improvement Missing or Unacceptable
Introduction or Overview for the Case Study 10 points

Provided an excellent introduction which addressed the reasons why cooperation on a global basis is required to address cybersecurity challenges. Addressed 3 or more specific political, economic, and social factors which drive global society’s need for cooperation. The overview appropriately used information from 3 or more authoritative sources. 8.5 points

Provided an outstanding introduction which addressed the reasons why cooperation on a global basis is required to address cybersecurity challenges. Addressed 2 or more specific political, economic, or social factors which drive global society’s need for cooperation. The overview appropriately used information from 3 or more authoritative sources. 7 points

Provided an introduction which addressed the reasons why cooperation on a global basis is required to address cybersecurity challenges. Addressed one or more specific political, economic, or social factors which drive global society’s need for cooperation. The overview appropriately used information from authoritative sources. 6 points

Introduced cooperation on a global basis to address cybersecurity challenges. Mentioned political, economic, and social factors which drive global society’s need for cooperation. Appropriately used information from authoritative sources. 4 points

Attempted to provide an introduction to the case study but this section lacked detail and/or was not well supported by information drawn from authoritative sources. 0 points

The introduction and/or overview sections of the paper were off topic.
Business Need for Global Cooperation on Cybersecurity 20 points

Provided an excellent discussion of the business need for cybersecurity related cooperation on a global basis. This discussion included 3 or more examples of global, multinational business which operate in cyberspace and the cybersecurity challenges each business faces. Appropriately used information from 3 or more authoritative sources. 18 points

Provided an outstanding discussion of the business need for cybersecurity related cooperation on a global basis. This discussion included 2 or more examples of global, multinational business which operate in cyberspace and the cybersecurity challenges each business faces. Appropriately used information from 2 or more authoritative sources. 16 points

Provided a discussion of the business need for cybersecurity related cooperation on a global basis. This discussion included at least one example of a global, multinational business which operates in cyberspace and the cybersecurity challenges it faces. Appropriately used information authoritative sources. 14 points

Mentioned the business need for cybersecurity related cooperation between global, multinational businesses which operate in cyberspace. Mentioned at least one cybersecurity challenge that global businesses encounter. Appropriately used information from authoritative sources. 10 points

Mentioned the business need for cybersecurity cooperation in the context of global businesses. This section lacked detail and/or was not well supported by information drawn from authoritative sources. OR, the Case Study was posted late for discussion (mandatory 10 point deduction). 0 points

Did not provide specific examples of global businesses and the business need for cybersecurity. OR, the Case Study was not posted for discussion or was posted more than two days late (mandatory 20 point deduction).
Identified and Discussed Existing Cybersecurity Cooperative Efforts 20 points

Provided an excellent discussion of three or more specific cybersecurity cooperative efforts (industry, national, international) which currently exist. Provided URLs and information about the membership, membership requirements, mission, and functions for each alliance, association, or public/private partnership. Appropriately used information from 3 or more authoritative sources. 18 points

Provided an outstanding discussion of three or more specific cybersecurity cooperative efforts (industry, national, international) which currently exist. Provided URLs and information about the membership, membership requirements, mission, and functions for each alliance, association, or public/private partnership. Appropriately used information from 3 or more authoritative sources. 16 points

Provided a discussion of two or more specific cybersecurity cooperative efforts (industry, national, international) which currently exist. Provided information about each alliance, association, or public/private partnership including membership requirements. Appropriately used information from authoritative sources. 14 points

Provided a discussion of at least one specific cybersecurity cooperative effort (industry, national, international) which currently exists. Provided some information about the alliance, association, or public/private partnership. Appropriately used information from authoritative sources. 9 points

Provided a discussion of cybersecurity cooperative efforts (alliances, associations, and/or or public/private partnerships). The discussion lacked detail and/or was not well supported by information drawn from authoritative sources. 0 points

This section was missing, off topic, or failed to provide information about cybersecurity cooperative efforts.
Recommendations for Improving Global Cooperation for Cybersecurity 20 points

Provided an excellent set of recommendations for improving global cooperation in response to cybersecurity challenges in cyberspace. Included three or more specific actions which global businesses as a whole can take to improve cooperation within and across industries. Answered the case question: How can we improve global cooperation in response to cybersecurity challenges in cyberspace. Appropriately used information from 3 or more authoritative sources. 18 points

Provided an outstanding set of recommendations for improving global cooperation in response to cybersecurity challenges in cyberspace. Included two or more specific actions which global businesses as a whole can take to improve cooperation within and across industries. Answered the case question: How can we improve global cooperation in response to cybersecurity challenges in cyberspace. Appropriately used information from 3 or more authoritative sources. 16 points

Provided an acceptable set of recommendations for improving global cooperation in response to cybersecurity challenges in cyberspace. Included specific actions which global businesses as a whole can take to improve cooperation within and across industries. Answered the case question: How can we improve global cooperation in response to cybersecurity challenges in cyberspace. Appropriately used information from authoritative sources. 14 points

Answered the case question: How can we improve global cooperation in response to cybersecurity challenges in cyberspace. Appropriately used information from authoritative sources. 9 points

Mentioned improvements to global cooperation in response to cybersecurity challenges in cyberspace but the discussion lacked detail and/or was not supported by information from authoritative sources. 0 points

Did not provide recommendations which addressed the case question.
Addressed security issues using standard cybersecurity terminology 5 points

Demonstrated excellence in the integration of standard cybersecurity terminology into the case study. 4 points

Provided an outstanding integration of standard cybersecurity terminology into the case study. 3 points

Integrated standard cybersecurity terminology into the into the case study 2 points

Used standard cybersecurity terminology but this usage was not well integrated with the discussion. 1 point

Misused standard cybersecurity terminology. 0 points

Did not integrate standard cybersecurity terminology into the discussion.
APA Formatting for Citations and Reference List 5 points

Work contains a reference list containing entries for all cited resources. Reference list entries and in-text citations are correctly formatted using the appropriate APA style for each type of resource. 4 points

Work contains a reference list containing entries for all cited resources. One or two minor errors in APA format for in-text citations and/or reference list entries. 3 points

Work contains a reference list containing entries for all cited resources. No more than 3 minor errors in APA format for in-text citations and/or reference list entries. 2 points

Work has no more than three paragraphs with omissions of citations crediting sources for facts and information. Work contains a reference list containing entries for cited resources. Work contains no more than 5 minor errors in APA format for in-text citations and/or reference list entries. 1 point

Work attempts to credit sources but demonstrates a fundamental failure to understand and apply the APA formatting standard as defined in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). 0 points

Reference list is missing. Work demonstrates an overall failure to incorporate and/or credit authoritative sources for information used in the paper.
Professionalism Part I: Organization & Appearance 5 points

Submitted work shows outstanding organization and the use of color, fonts, titles, headings and sub-headings, etc. is appropriate to the assignment type. 4 points

Submitted work has minor style or formatting flaws but still presents a professional appearance. Submitted work is well organized and appropriately uses color, fonts, and section headings (per the assignment’s directions). 3 points

Organization and/or appearance of submitted work could be improved through better use of fonts, color, titles, headings, etc. OR Submitted work has multiple style or formatting errors. Professional appearance could be improved. 2 points

Submitted work has multiple style or formatting errors. Organization and professional appearance need substantial improvement. 1 point

Submitted work meets minimum requirements but has major style and formatting errors. Work is disorganized and needs to be rewritten for readability and professional appearance. 0 points

Submitted work is poorly organized and formatted. Writing and presentation are lacking in professional style and appearance. Work does not reflect college level writing skills.
Professionalism Part II: Execution 15 points

No formatting, grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors. 14 points

Work contains minor errors in formatting, grammar, spelling or punctuation which do not significantly impact professional appearance. 13 points

Errors in formatting, spelling, grammar, or punctuation which detract from professional appearance of the submitted work. 11 points

Submitted work has numerous errors in formatting, spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Work is unprofessional in appearance. 4 points

Submitted work is difficult to read / understand and has significant errors in formatting, spelling, grammar, punctuation, or word usage. 0 points

Submitted work is poorly executed OR does not reflect college level work.
Overall Score Excellent
90 or more Outstanding
80 or more Acceptable
70 or more Needs Improvement
56 or more Needs Significant Improvement
36 or more Missing or Unacceptable
0 or more

