How can technological progress still continue and people’s personal rights (and/or society’s rights)–now and in the future– still be safeguard

Ground water quantity issue in Pullman-Moscow area
June 23, 2020
Executive Summary
June 23, 2020

How can technological progress still continue and people’s personal rights (and/or society’s rights)–now and in the future– still be safeguard

Topic: How can technological progress still continue and people’s personal rights (and/or society’s rights)–now and in the future– still be safeguarded? Explain 2 or 3 ways to balance (political) rights and technological progress, in your opinion.

Order Description
– Minimum of 2 paragraphs
– At least 1 quote from each writer has to be included in each paragraph, which means minimum of 2 quotes(1 from one author and 1 from another) should be in 1 paragraph
– 12 points, Times new roman
– This is non-native English speaker writing course, so I expect my essay to be not hard – not difficult words and complex sentence structures, etc.
– Here’s some questions related to this assignment (generated by my professor):
1. Are scientists just another group demanding rights?
2. Should we use a liberty paradigm or an equality paradigm in considering the ethical quandaries raised by biotechnology?
3. Are reason-forcing conversations the best means of achieving the Dalai Lama’s vision for ethics, or is legislation, or…?
4. What role does a moral compass play in both science and civil rights?