Examining Your Primary Sources
May 11, 2020
Technology Management
May 11, 2020

History of 20th century art

choose ONE work of art (a painting, sculpture, photograph, performance, building,

video, etc.) and write about it. Your subject should be something that you can research and that has
preferably been
touched upon during the course of the semester, either in lecture or in the textbook.
Your paper will begin with a description of the work of art (if you can see it in person, all the
better!), then you will
discuss the work in the context of the life of the artist and the time period in which the artist lived.
For example, you
might choose Jackson Pollock’s Full Fathom Five, and you would perhaps want to write about the style he
(gestural abstraction/action painting), why this was important in the history of art, how America was
doing after WWII,
the artist’s interest in jazz music, etc.