HIM Department Employee HIPAA Training Plan

Final Project Profile of a Leader
October 4, 2020
October 5, 2020

HIM Department Employee HIPAA Training Plan

Topic: HIM Department Employee HIPAA Training Plan

Order Description
Develop a training plan for new HIM employees that will ensure that they understand the HIPAA regulations and what their role is in maintaining them.
The plan should include:
•Content (What will the content of the training include?)
•Classes for employees – How will you break the students into different types of classes based on their role within the department (coder, ROI staff, etc.) ?
•The skills that the trainers need
•Amount of time needed for the course
•Format of class
•Resources needed
I am not looking for the training itself, but a detailed plan for the training. This plan should be 4 pages double spaced 12 pt font. I am looking for a professional
document, impress me with your mad Word or PowerPoint skills.