Hidden Worldviews, Eight Cultural Stories that Sharp Our Lives, By Steve Wilkens & Mark L. Sanford.

cloning, advertising, technology, the environment, poverty, crime, ecology, music
May 13, 2020
Financial Decision Making Assurance of Learning Project
May 13, 2020

Hidden Worldviews, Eight Cultural Stories that Sharp Our Lives, By Steve Wilkens & Mark L. Sanford.

Hidden Worldviews, Eight Cultural Stories that Sharp Our Lives, By Steve Wilkens & Mark L. Sanford.

Choose three Hidden Worldviews that you believe are the most prevalent and threatening to those are you. Offer a Christian Worldview analysis, explaining what is

wrong with them and how Christianity differs. Professor is looking for my take on things, not so much the books.
The 3 Hidden Worldview
1. Consumerism, Chapter 3. I am what I own
2. Postmodern Tribalism, Chapter 8. Finding your identity with how you live and think within a small group.
3. Salvation by Therapy, Chapter 9. Al problems are psychological.

Part 2 of the Paper (2 Pages)

Book Reference: Counterfeit Gods, by Timothy Keller.

Explain Tim Keller’s concept of Counterfeit Gods. The idols I identified in my life are family, work, and financial prosperity. How can the Gospel disarm and replace

these idols?